Within A Few Weeks...

Within A Few Weeks...
I Encounter...
Stupid people everywhere...
Here... There...
North South East West...
You can find them all over Singapore...
Anytime of the year...
Of all ages...
Intelligence challenged...
They say things which are wrong, or which totally contradict with many of their own opinions/actions/behaviour...
And when you point that out, they deny it...
They blame you, they accuse you, they sneer at you...
And when they cannot agrue over you, they quit...
Simple as that...
No backbone at all...
(Otherwise, they just repeat the whole set of speech... May I know what purpose is there??)
It is damn frustrating and irritating to talk to these kind of people...
You cannot agrue properly with them...
And then they stopped abruptly/walked away/ignore you, and the whole thing is not even resolved yet...
Stop Saying:
"Aiyah, is always like that one lar"
"You dunno meh?? Always like that lor, ignore lar"
"Because it is like that" "Like that lor!!!"
None of you are in my position...
At that time, at that place, at that situation...
I despised you...
No wonder I lost my respect for any likes of you...
Maybe it is time to hit the anti-social road...

perhaps all of you shld calm down and think about what you all are doing first before talking abt others.. probably everything is just a misunderstanding.. and i believe you all won't want to lose anyone because of this...
is it totally their fault?? or is it partly your fault too? you all shld think abt it................
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