The Last of My Orientation Week at NUS
Time certainly flew...
I can still remember the time when I was still a freshie, attending my first engineering orientation week...
And now, 3 years later, here am I...
A councillor instead...
And now, my last Engineering Orientation Week has just ended...
I will missed it...
Very much...
Preview of how I have become...
Year 1 - Freshie of Nereus

Year 2 - Councillor of Tempest

Year 3 - Councillor of Raichu
Year 4 - Councillor of Olulu

~~~All good things must come to an end~~~
wahah..tat Freshie photo is real classic..
and i realise ur OG is getting BIGGER by the years !!!
Cos the intake by Engin Fac getting bigger every year!!!
Heys! Came across yr blog by linking from cj...that pic of us as freshies really brings back some memories! And u joined as a councillor for all 3 years!! Hope u're doing fine now though I dun really see u ard in sch(:
But I still feel that being a freshie is much more fun...
Heyz, why we don't have any og gatherings le??
Take care ya!!!
hey i realise my fren is in your year 3 og wor. Chin Huat! haha he's my odac fren in pj!! =)
Small world sia...
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