End of Course Funtion Dinner...
Was my little squirrel's end of course function dinner...
Oops, hey I gotta stop using so many little squirrels in here...
Cos I just realised how many people in my little squirrel's section know that I'm called Baby Peacock and little squirrel is called Little Squirrel...
Aaarrrggg, die hard habit, heck la...
Anyway... On the 29th of October...
I was having my Statics and Mechanics Test in the morning...
And doing my CTW project at home later in the afternoon...
So engrossed was I that I nearly forgot the time, until my mom had to yell at me to get ready...
Oh no!!! 3.45 le!!! Yikes!!! Little squirrel say must get ready before 5!!!
Rushed to bath, bath le rushed to blow dry hair, only to see little squirrel standing outside my door a few minutes later...
AIYO!!! I'm Not Ready!!!
He arrived so early at 4.15pm, giving me extra pressure to rushed through my preparations...
Ahem, little squirrel, next time no need come so early la.
When I haven't Ta Pan Ta Pan, I am very ugly, later you don't want me how?? *pitiful look*
Hahaha, kidding la, I don't mind you coming over so early, just don't sit around there looking so bored, makes me very guilty you know!!!
So me rushed to do up on my make-up, very last minute and impromto thing, cos I didn't do a trial...
But hahaha, being a very talented artist, make-up is no problemo!!!
It's almost like painting...
And I manage to did it without having to redo... (Unlike last time at HY's sleepover)
Then I rushed to dress and wear all the accesories...
Then ZW come le, so I rushed to force her to wear more mascara...
I'm in charge of bringing her to the function dinner as a dinner date for little squirrel's friend...
So must make her look very very pretty...
Am hoping that her dinner date is a nice guy and that they hit off well...
And hopefully exchanging numbers at the end of the night if everything is going on well...
(Gotta let YJ go liao, ZW... Forget that him, it's over...)
At 5pm on the dot... I'm Ready!!!
And little squirrel actually says it's too early to leave...
Make me wait for another 30 minutes before we leave my house!!!
But anyway, my mom took this opportunity to take some photos of me...
She's very excited, cos it's very rare of me to dress up and look like a girl for once... hahaha
So she whipped out a very old and almost extinct Film Camera...
Hmm... Didn't know it still exist, with all those digital cameras flying around...
Click click click...
Me with little squirrel, me with ZW, the three of us, me with little squirrel again, and the whole cycle repeats...
Got nearly blinded by the flash...
Finally, 5.35pm...
We set off...
In all of our full glory, presentably dressed for this special occasion...
Heads up high, we walked out of my front door...
And off to the busstop...
(You think what?? Take Cab ar?? Me not very rich you know...)
We took 174 there... Arrived quite early...
So went for a little stroll in tanglin mall...
Before ZW's date became impatient and began bombarding little squirrel with "Where is my Date?? Where??"
Finally arrived at the Trader's Hotel to see ZW's date...
Not bad...
Taller than ZW, bigger than her as well...
Nice smile, great at talking, treats ZW very well, behaves like a gentleman...
He even pulls out the chair for her, and constantly helps to place the food onto ZW's plate...
He got an A in gentlemanly areas...
Another A in conversation holder...
And if he is my little squirrel's friend, his character must not be too bad...
ZW!!! I give you my approval!!!
You can date him!!!
Anyway, when I was first introduced to squirrel's friends, I was a bit blur...
Cos I keep forgetting their names...
Then got one guy, who after telling him my name, immediately says "Little Peacock issit??"
Why the entire section know one!!!
As I was saying...
The rest of the night went on well...
I was quite entertained by the MC, although it was abit obvious that nearing the end, he was visibly tired...
The games were quite fun, but it got tiresome towards the very end...
Cos at one part of the show, the MC keep wanting all the 9 guys on stage to dance the same dance each...
Wah, I see liao also very tired... The same steps all over...
The food was not bad in the beginning...
Mmmnn... Prawns!!! And sushi!!! Yummy!!!
But the last few course kinda suxx...
Which explains why I was still hungry when the whole thing was over...
And then in the middle of all those...
Little squirrel suddenly reminded me of something...
Who is that freaking guy who last minute says he doesn't want to get a female date??
Way back, before this day...
Little squirrel got tell me that two of his friends were in need of a female date...
So he asked me to get two of my gang to be their dates...
And then suddenly, a few weeks later, one guy says he has found a date...
But still got one more guy in need of a partner...
But I dunno what is his personalilty like, or who will he click well...
So my gang suggested, why not after the sleepover (we were planning to stay overnight once), all of us go and meet the guy lor...
Then let him mingle with us to see who click with him the best, and she will be his date...
But then...
That guy chickened out...
What the...
I was so mad that I type a few things to little squirrel...
And I think little squirrel got mentioned a few of those things to that friend of his...
(Yaya, including those telling him to jump of the bridge etc...)
And I think that guy become very scared of me liao...
In fact...
He even bought chocolates for me on that day as an apology!!!
Haiz~ But in the end, he still dare not give me that chocolate personally...
Aiyo!!! Why you like that?!?!
I very scarey meh??
No lor... I am very nice and kind one...
I'm so nice that kids loves me, and animals always come to bow at my feet...
When I found out who that guy was (the one sitting besides little squirrel I think), I pointed it out to ZW...
ZW took a look at him and says "Eh, he looks a bit scared of you leh"
Wah liao...
I am not Scarey...
Although I am known to make a few people cry before...
Hmmm... *pauses to think*
Okay lar, I am not TOO scarey...
It's just your perception problem...
See to prove my point...
I even took a Scariness Test...
The Results...
You Are Scary |
![]() You even scare scary people sometimes! |
Errm... Errrmmm...
No wait!!!
This IS the correct one:
You Are Not Scary |
![]() Everyone loves you. Isn't that sweet? |
See!!! This is the Real Me...
(Do you guys actually believe it??)
Too much Digression...
Back to the function dinner...
Nothing much happens really...
Ate a few more of the stuff they call food on the table...
Chat a few more times...
Watch a Video on little squirrel's training...
Nice, it looks fun... (to outsiders, that is...)
Enjoyed it very fun...
When the whole thing is over, we hang around to take a few pictures...
And that guy who chickened out left the chocolates on the table...
Never mind, since you so nice buy me chocolates, DArk ChOcoLAtes some more...
I not angry le!!!
(Actually, I was only angry for a few minutes on that day... Nearly forgotten about it...)
Haha!!! Thanks for your chocolates!!!
Dark Chocolates Maketh Me A Very Happy Girl...
So you know what to do if any of you ever dare to tread in my Wrath...
Everyone in my section knows that little squirrel and baby peacock are tgt..haha...my fren really feels sorry for backing out the last minute..in fact he regrets his decision not to make zhao wei his date bcos she is so pretty that day..In the end I told him to buy u dark chocolates as a form of apology but he dun dare to give it to u...tell u more abt Dean when we meet..cya!!!
Regret too late le lar... Heehee...
Tell him next time to have more courage can...
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