Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Feeling so... Weird...

My brother is now at changi airport...
He's gonna fly to china for his school trip...

I want to go too!!!
Why JJ never had this trip while I was there 3 years ago?!?!


Hope he has a safe trip!!!
He better be back in one whole piece!!!
Cos I've asked him to bring snow back to me...
Hahahahahaaa... -_-;

Oh man... I'm so nervous that I couldn't sleep...
Luckily it's sensors tomorrow and not Thermo...
If it is Thermo, I'll most probably lie in bed all night thinking about enthalpy, entropy, heat transfer, steam cycle, saturation table and what-shit...

For stressed people like me...

Hahahaa maybe we can try that to destress...

And this:

Hahahahahaaa... Yeah... I'm stressed all right...

Okie... Time to sleep...

Battle tomorrow starts at 5pm sharp!!!


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