Friday, December 01, 2006

Mechanics of Materials Exam


It wasn't a killer paper...

I survived through it without much injuries...

When I arrived at MPSH5, it was pretty crowded...
Hmmm... But Mech Engin isn't a super big group leh (300++ only right??), so how come I cannot see any of my friends?!!
I only saw Bert, but that was it...
Bah, so poor lonely me stand like one extra at the side...
Think I know more EE people then ME... Hahahahaa...

According to Gonhwee, he said that when he took his paper (on Sat I think), the aircon inside MPSH5 was spoilt...
And he was literally sweating as he did his paper...

Heng heng they repaired it liao...
(Bert: Got Aircon I also still sweat lor when doing the paper...)

As I've said before, the paper was relatively okay...
(Nick: This paper is a waste of my time... I did it in one hour and sat there looking around...)

Although I did messed up question 3...
Hahahaha... Didn't occur to me that it need integration...
When I saw the answer:

"Huh??" Was my initial reaction...
"Oh shit..." Was my second when I saw the time...

Anyway, I think I got the first question correct... Becos Nick and Bert also have the exact same answer as me...
Yeah 25 marks confirm liao!!!


Now that the easy papers (relatively) are down...
The Real Nightmare Begins...


*Screams in Terror*

Even though I've spent like 3000 years on this topic, I still don't understand it!!!
Wah piang eh...

Still got three more papers to go...
Kang and YB last paper is on Friday...

Kang: Yeah!!! Last paper tomorrow!!! I will messaged you all to wish you all good luck!!! Hahahahaa...


Your Turn will come next sem!!! With the Stupid Kinetic-Reactor-wadever module!!!


At 3:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still got 4...........

At 2:11 AM, Blogger Azure1984 said...

yeah~~ My paper is over~!!! Muahahah

At 9:56 PM, Blogger averii said...

JL: Wah... But you dean list one can handle it lar... Mediocre people like me cannot tahan one... Hahahahaaa...

KR: -____-;
Don't help you next sem liao!!! Bleah!!!


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