HR Project Mates...
Todae is the deadline for.....
HR2002 Group Report Submission!!!
Our Topic is:
Diversity At The Workplace - A Singapore Perspective
And I'm glad to say that, despite some last minute cock-ups...
Our group managed to pull it through, and get out report all nicely done up before 11.59pm, 21 Oct...
Thanks to JiaR and Razi for doing such a great job at doing the final editing of the report...
Thanks to Anand and Razi for their wonderful presentation during our group presentation...
Thanks to JiaR, WeiJ, Ajay, and me (haha!!) for the funny performance during our group presentation...
Thanks to Yenl for doing up on the powerpoint slides...
Thanks to EVERYBODY for contributing their ideas, their countless editing of the report, the hours put into doing the survey, and brain cells killed in doing the entire project and everything in between!!!
Some fond memories...
A pity we do not have a group photo...

Razi is the camera man...

In one of the scene of our role play, where our manager, WEiJ, is supposed to be stereotyping Indians...

The manager is supposed to stereotype females in this scene...

Lastly, the manager is stereotyping the chinese males...
And this is what happens when you discriminates against people!!!

Though I doubt any of them will really read this blog...
But I'm glad that we are all a team...
And ours is the best example that Diversity really Works!!!
HA! wah~ on wonder u always not ard these days!! u seemed to enjoy urselves wor~ glad tt e proj pulled through!! =)
Waaaaa... thats Jiarong.... so funny expression... just happened to pop by....
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