Think I nearly forget the existence of this blog...
Nearly... But not totally...
(Thank your lucky stars!!! LOL!!!)
I have no idea why, but my motivation to blog decreases with the increasing things for me to blog about...
Strange, but true...
The more things I have to blog...
The less I feel like blogging...
No, actually I really wanted to blog about them!!!
But when I think about the past events which I wanted to blog, but did not blog, I don't feel like blogging again even though I wanted to blog...
Now wth am I talking about??
Okie, okie... I am LAZY!!! L-A-Z-Y!!!
Think my brain died along with my exams...
Maybe I'll have a mini-blogaton...
Ya, like within the next few decades or something...
And I am ADDICTED!!!
Oh no!!! I have the uncontrollable urges to buy and collect mangas!!!
Save me somebody...
Or better yet, sponsor me... Thank you very much...
Within this month I got hooked onto three mangas...

One Piece


Poor me have no money to satisfy my cravings...
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