Few Words
Still alive after two days of school...
I was a mixture of feelings on my first day of school...
Because I'm easily excitable... Any change in my routine makes me excited...
Because I'm taking modules other then the usual boring Engin cores...
Because I wanted to see my friends again...
Because there will be fewer familiar faces for me to recognise... Since everyone will be choosing different TEs...
Even though I do not know most of my fellow Mech Engin people or friends very well, but a familiar face brings forth comfort, especially in trying times...
Because I'm taking Me3241 Microprocessor Applications, and I am damn scared that I will screw it up... I hope that I have made the right choice...
Because I realised that very few of my friends took the same modules with me...
I went for my first lecture of Me3241...
And I must say...
I enjoyed it!!!
Wow, how rare!!!
Wonder if it will last...
One interesting fact I learn in class...
You guys ever notice the floor plans at EA buildings??
I do, and I've always wondered why they are all of different patterns...
Here's the answer provided by my lecturer...
Binary Number System (Chinese Version):

That's Engin for you...
Wondering if I really should take 6 modules after all...
hoho have u seen this post??
Okie, now then I see this post...
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