HY Bdae May 06
The Gangts8rs Birthdae Series 2006
You can find ZW's one here...
The plan for HY bdae, was to engage her in a Game!!!
Theme: Sports Theme... (meaning must wear sporty-looking attire)
Venue: Causeway Point...
Four game stations for HY to pass through, each with a time constraint of 10-20(?? I forgot liao) minutes...
There will be and extra 5-10(??same here too) minutes given for her to solve the clues, find the place and as well as the Game-masters (she wasn't told who was the Game-master, so that makes it a little harder)...
If HY could not managed to solve the clue, find that place, and finish the task assigned to her withing the time limit, she will receive a Forfeit!!!
HY: Contestant
Me: The Host
DR: Cameraman
YL and WL: Station 1 Gamemaster
ZW: Station 2 Gamemaster
MF: Station 3 Gamemaster
JX: Station 4 Gamemaster
Both me and DR were supposed to meet HY first and introduce her "formally" to the game...
The rest will go to their respective places to wait (or hide)...
So there we were, waiting and waiting for our Dear Main Character (who was late as usual lar) and wait and wait and wait and...
"Eh, what are you guys doing?? Where are the rest leh??"
Me and DR nearly jumped out of our skin...
We whirled behind us, and there she was, standing innocently behind us... -__-;
Struggling to regain my composure, I launched into the intro immediately while DR started filming the whole process...
I guess the only word to describe her facial expression was Incredulous...
Station #1
Who: YL and WL
Clue: A piece of green paper (I forgot what was written on it liao... Whoops...)
Answer: Cold Storage
Before we reached the first station, I was supposed to give a missed call to YL as a warning so that she and WL can go and hide to make it harder for HY to find them...
But she thought that the missed call was from ZW (since ZW had called right after that missed call) and she had the gall to accused me of not giving her the warning!!!
HY found them rather easily, and sort of pounced onto their backs, giving them a scare too...
Her task was given to her by the two Game-masters, which was to find a particuler brand of biscuit whose name was ridiculously long and unheard of...
In fact the name was so long, that I've forgotten what it was liao...
(Pardon me, it happened in 2006 lar...)
HY lost that challenge, and her forfeit was to wear a pair of Sunglasses...
Who got wear sunglasses in a shopping mall one??
Station #2
Who: ZW
Clue: A bunch of letters all scrabbled up...
Answer: Food Court
This clue was rather easy, I need not hint to her...
But it was around the lunch hour when we got to the food court, and HY had a harder time trying to track down the Game-masters, which was ZW...
But she was quite lucky, cos during the Last 10 seconds (!!!!!) she found ZW huddling in one corner trying to blend in with the wall...
For this station, her task was to finish drinking a cup of coke within 20 seconds...
So HY dilly dally, thinking she got lotsa time...
Therefore she was a bit surprise when I announced her time was up, and she have to do another forfeit...
Or should I say Wear another forfeit, cos this time, it's a Hat...
Station #3
Who: MF
Clue: The Word "Retro" in Red...
Answer: Metro...
This one needs a bit of hint... The area we are covering was the one on the third storey...
But when we enter the shop, we found ourselves facing a crowd...
HY doesn't looks too happy...
I have a feeling she was getting impatient of this game...
And halfway, we realised that DR was missing!!!
Uh oh... Things don't look too good...
In the end, the place was too overwhelming for us and I decided to call MF and ask her to come out of her hiding and just give HY the task...
The task was to find an item again, but her only hint was the brochure we got from Metro itself...
We found DR outside Metro, he got caught by the security guard in there and have to erase whatever thing he had film inside...
(Which includes DR's comments on the various types of bra in different shapes and sizes while we were in Metro, that little perv... Bleah...)
Station #4
Who: JX
Clue: A cartoon of little girls dress in a country outfit, each holding an orange, a boy at one corner was calling out "Juliu"
Answer: Orange Julius
Have to tell her to concentrate on the word "Orange" before she got it...
JX was sitting down there waiting for us...
The last task finally!!!
It was a map (drawn by me, all the clues were made by me actually...) and HY needed to find that place...
The drawing consist of the Mrt, and I have drawn 8 tiny stick figures (which represents all of gangst8r) at the space below it...
The final venue was, I hope you guessed it, the area somewhere outside to the left of Causeway Point, and below the Mrt line...
Ta-dah!!! End of Game!!!

Inside Kbox...
All of them managed to persuade to go Kbox because I have swore never to step in it again...

Wahahaha... I have a great time that day...
Although a bit tiring lar, cos need to run here walk there during the game...
But what fun we all have!!!
Labels: Gangst8rs
wah... tt's like more than 1 and a half yrs ago????
Sssososooooo looonngg liao!!
lolx...u can still rem e clues sia!! i forgot most of it liao lor!
All i rem is tt day i lost my wallet...
Is that day the start of your Suay Chronicles??
haha.. yah we spent the night at the police station >.< but it was v v fun!! and why nv post mine here too.. *angry*
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