Tongue Twister...
This is contributed by the
Mr. Chia-ling!!!
Okay lar, that is not his real name, which is CYJ...
His nickname is Chia-ling...
Errmm... All becos of a stupid old joke which I've sort of forgotten...
(Got something to do with him invading earth, forming the Chia Dynasty or some sort, and it will be Chia-lings instead of earthlings... Okay, ignore it...)
So ahem...
Here is the "tongue twister" he made up...
If every one thinks that all averii likes to visit an aviary,
But not every averii in AppleValley like to go aviary then,
Where do the every other averii go if averii from AppleVally dun go to aviary?
Don't make any sense... But who cares...
He just made up a tongue twister!!!
With my Name!!!
Try reading it alone 5 times in a row, going faster each time...
Betcha can't do it right!!!
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