CAC+US Concert at UCC...
This whole event happened on 29th April 2007...
Procrastination Rocks...
Since the whole thing happened like more then one month ago, information in my brain tends to be a little hazy...
This time, it is our MuggerHood's YB performing...
He will be dancing Hip Hop!!!
Wow wee!!!
I wonder what it would be like...
The CAC+US performance is held at UCC Theater, at 6.30pm...
Me and the MuggerHooders, minus Gonghwee who dunno why isn't there, reached UCC by 6pm...
Because I thought YB told me the doors are open at 6pm!!!
And since it is free seating, I get very anxious and thus forced MGH to come early to get the good seats...
But I thought wrong lar, cos the doors opened at 6.30pm instead...
And meanwhile, while MGH is idling around that area, YT dropped a bomb on me...
"Eh, Tummy Boy is trying to call me..."
For those who dunno who/what Tummy Boy is and need a recap, click here...
For those who wanna see him and his tummy,
For those who wanna know why I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (insert correct emotion, clue: starts with "D") Tummy Boy...
Well, let's just say there's many reasons behind it...
I just need to figure out what those are...
In order for that to happen, I have to start all the way from last year CAC camp...
And I'm too lazy for that...
So here's one reason which I accept:
There's something called Hate At First Sight...
Okie, end of discussion, back to topic...
I turned my head sharply towards YT, and nearly burned a hole through her head by my (I hope) intensive stare...
Usually when Tummy Boy calls/MSN/email/make contact with you, there's usually only one reason...
He wants to tag along~~~~~
As I've said before, some people just like to self-invite themselves...
YT was placed under huge pressure, supplied by me and my best intimidating glare I that could conjure up, and the fact the she don't want to be a mean person...
So in the end, she simply switch off her handphone...
Unfortunately, my smugness did not last long, because I forgot that since Tummy Boy is coming for the performance, he will see us because we are right besides the Theater itself!!!
I can be stupid sometimes...
Sure enough, he spotted us a few minutes later...
In the theater, he settled down nicely besides some unfortunate souls who I have forgotten is whom...
You have my deepest condolences...
When the performance finally began, all of us were very excited...
Especially the girls...
Not only because YB is performing in it (he had promised something that will surprise us), but because the "Shuai Ge Macdonald Guy" is in it too!!!
And he was one of the main actors!!!
The "Shuai Ge Macdonald Guy", or "Macdonald Guy" for short was the nickname we have given to one very good-looking and cute guy we (me, YL and TL) saw one fine day in Macdonald while we were in the midst of queuing up for food with the rest of MGH...
No, I don't mean the tall idiot standing in front of Macdonalds with fugly red afro hair, ob-biang yellow uniform-looking attire, with gigantic size 18 feet in equally ugly shoes...
Actually, I have seen that guy before cos he was a freshie from Engin O week...
Heh heh heh...
So I noticed him immediately that time when we were queuing...
And right after we have left Macdonalds, YL turned towards me excitedly and started
The CAC+US performance was very entertaining!!!
Very funny, the cast are interesting, the story although predictable was still good enough, and the dance moves groovy...
In fact I like the hip hop dances the most!!!
And YB was dancing in it!!!
And I must say I was shocked...
Yesh, no other words described how I feel when I first saw him dancing...
Just imagine:
A wooden block...
Usually capable of two expressions...
1) A shrug
2) One raised eyebrow
And that's it!!!
And now suddenly I see that wooden block becoming so flexible and capable of doing even more actions I could not have accomplished myself...
My jaw literally dropped...
It took awhile before I can get it to close...
YB, you surprised all of us alright...
That was great dancing!!!
I enjoyed it very much!!!
And wa lau, how in the whole did you managed to do the spin-your-legs-while-upside-down thing?!?!
Suddenly got the urge to join those hip hop dance groups!!!
*looks at two left feet*
On the other
Don't want to overcrowd NUH...
All in all, it was a good performance...
Here are some practiced videos I have found on youtube...
Try to spot YB in there...
Here are some pictures!!!
No wonder they mistake you for his girlfriend... Heeheehee!!!
The ahem...
Sad to say I wasn't as thick-skin as I thought...
Well Done CAC+US!!!
Labels: Uni People
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