Museum Visiting
Ah, these few days have been all history exploring for me...
Yupz, for I have visited no less than 3 museums within a span of 5 days...
Call me artsy-fartsy, call me a history nerd, call me bo liao, call me a poor-student-with-no-money-to-spend-on-the-damn-expensive-entertainments-we-have-in-spore, I don't care...
I love visiting the museums!!!
Especially those with history about WW2...
National Museum of Singapore (06/12/08)
Right after the re-ce of Chinese Garden (for BHID's resident outing), me and Donnie and yenl decided to head over to the said place, since we have nothing better to do...
And because it is FREE ENTRY for NUS students!!!
(No pictures cos none of us brought our cameras)
Anyway, the journey began when we stepped out of the mrt...
And I, de Great Navigator, was tasked with the arduous mission of locating the target area...
Which of course, I, de Great Navigator, succeed without great difficulty...

Anyway, ya!! Among the rest of the exhibitions we went to, my favourite was the Singapore History Gallery exhibition...
From the website:
The Singapore History Gallery adopts a story-telling approach, unveiling different perspectives as you travel through tales of the past. To let you appreciate the struggles that early settlers had to overcome, you will be taken through the drama of major national events as well as the personal stories of individuals.
You can select your own 'path' into the past. The events path traces the major events and characters that were part of Singapore's history, while the personal path tells stories through the eyes of the man on the street. With our audio-visual companion that comes in four languages, listen to interesting insights and quips of your choice to complete this refreshing and enriching journey.Just before entering, we were equip with "The Companion", which according to the museum website, is "a multimedia handheld device specially designed to guide you around"...
It was quite interesting, and I especially enjoyed the part on WW2...
But unfortunately, just as I was fully immersed in the WW2 portion of the exhibition, it closes at 6pm and we have to leave early!!!
I haven't finished yet neh!!!
Luckily other exhibitions closes at 8pm, so we happily explored the rest...
After the museum visit, we navigate our way to Plaza Sing and parted ways with Yenl who have to go home for dunno wad reason...
And then came Donnie's hunt for Ice Kachang, which took us all the way to Chinatown...
For ice kachang, we were willing to go the distance...
Memories at Old Fort Factory (10/12/08)
This is a museum dedicated to the WW2 period in Singapore...
And guess what, it is very near my house!!! Wah lau eh!!!
All these years it has been hidden there, undiscovered (by me), oh my holy shit, why didn't I discover it earlier, omg omg omg it has documentaries, different documentaries according to the months aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh what have I been missing out whyy whyyyyy whyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!
So anyway, as soon as I am aware if the museum's existence, I pounced upon Donnie and drag him into it...
Heh heh heh heh heh...
The day begin bright and cheery!!!
And to Donnie's horror, I brought my camera!!! Lalalalalaa~
And here's Donnie doing his famous "Talk to the Hand" pose...

(I am his counsellor, who is taking up the responsibility of curing him of his phobia for standing still in front of the camera without raising up his palm...
How do I intent to do it? I shall utilised the term "with practice, comes perfection" and edit it into "with practice, comes numbnification" with great gusto...)
Yesh you can see just how seriously I take this job...
And we reached the place!!!
WW2 galore!!!
*activate crazy mode*
Muwhahahahaha yeshhh yeessshhh all the history about WW2 are filling up my senses!!!
The information is overwhelming me!!!
I shall devour all!!!
*deactivate crazy mode*
Happie Happie!!!
More pictures of the stuff inside!!!
Zi Lian Photos...

Marina Barrage (10/12/08)
After the visit to Old Fort Factory, me and Donnie decided to grace our presence at the newly opened Marina Barrage!!!
Yes, it can be sort-of considered as a museum, with galleries in there...
Errm, we tried walking there from Marina Square, which according to Donnie (and according to his interpretation of the map), is an impossible task...
Where got impossible, all link waddd... You just have to take a longer time at walking, that's all...
Walking is a good form of exercise...
And we are here!!!
The following beautiful pictures are taken from the web...
When you start seeing shitty photos again, you will have reached the ones I took instead...

The start of my shitty photo collection...
On the way up to the roof top!!!
The Rooftop!!!

I think Marina Barrage is a good place to relax...
A great view, a wonderful breeze, nice patch of grass for you to lie on, a whole span of sky to feast your eyes (if you like clouds watching)...
Yes, I believe I can even fall asleep on the spot... It is that breezy...
Inside the museum...

After the museum-gallery-thing, we enjoyed the wonderful breeze and view...

Last shot...

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