Friday, December 08, 2006

I'm Going Back To Malaysia!!!

Note to Everyone:

I'm not a Malaysian, and never was in the first place...
But my Mom Was a Malaysian... Thus we called it going BACK to Malaysia, not going To...

Many people thought that I was Malaysian whenever I said "Eh, I'm going back to malaysia leh..." Even though they have, like, known me for quite a while liao...

But haha, never mind, at least it is better then being mistaken as... Some others...
Hey, I know I'm stereotyping... But I've seen far too much examples liao... Spare me...

I will be in Malaysia from 8th to 12th of Dec...
Please don't make any more plans while I am gone!!!
I hate to miss all the action!!!
Although I know that a Certain Group That Calls Themselves by What They Usually Do is gonna have a K-boxing session on Mondae!!!
WHYYYYY!!!!! Why Mondae!!! Why not Wednesday!!! Or any other days except from 8-12th!!!

Hmmmpth... Do as you wish then!!!
But I have to say this...

There's No Fun Without Me!!!

Mark my words!!! Muwhahahahhahaaaa...


To My Dearest Long Hair...

You are a great friend to me...
I treasured you greatly...

Thick and thin you have been through...
Suffering my tantrums and the blues...

I twirled and pulled...
Twisted and turned...

Put you up into many messy situation...
And yet you endure it with no hesitation...

Throughout my entire ordeal of mugging...
You stayed by my side, with no agruing...

Alas, time soon past...
And you grew much...

I could no longer see anything...
Your Blackness engulfed everything...

I have to get back to the Light...
Before I fall straight into Darkness...

Thus I have No Choice...
Farewell, and rest in peace...

Your Dearest Owner...

Okie, enough drama...
I've cut my hair!!!
Yeah!!! Finally I can see things beyond those black bars!!!

Now my head feels so much lighter!!!


These few days I've been having nightmares...
I actually dreamt about Thermodynamics!!!
I was doing my Thermo paper and only have left a few more minutes before time is up...
And more than half the paper wasn't complete!!!
I Flip Flip Flip Flip Flip through the papers!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
And than I woke up...

Heng this time only Thermo paper...
Last semester was worst, I dreamt about ALL my exams the night right after I took it...
It was usually all about the mistakes which I have made and I always woke up with a start...

Wah piang eh...


Okie... Time to go to sleep!!!
Have to wake up at 6am leh...


At 1:27 AM, Blogger snoookems said...

haha...i also had a dream abt thermo.YUCK.

At 7:44 AM, Blogger Azure1984 said...

I am sure there will still be fun. Lolz


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