Tuesday, December 26, 2006

My Results...

I got a Shock today...

Me (sms-ing to my friend): Wah, so fast timetable come out liao arh?? Eh, when is our results out??

YenL: Timetable out long ago lor... Results out today at 6pm...

Me: WWWWWHHHHHAAAAATTTTT?!?!?!?!?! *stunned* Today results out?!?!?!?!?

I fainted...

Nah, just kidding...
But I didn't realised that it was today!!!
Cos in my mind, I keep on thinking that it was on the 28th, cos somebody keep mentioning this date to me...

Kang: 28th is the released date of DeathNote 2 lar!!! You win liao lor... You win hands down...

Basket!!! Who asked you to keep on drilling this stupid date into my head!!!
Now I kena shocked!!!
I very nearly pierce my face with a sharp object for the project that I'm working on...

So once again...
Here I am, facing the dreaded screen which about 90% of NUS students feared to look at...
(The other 10% are those abnormal people who always score a very nice Cap number...)

See, I type in my Matriculation number and Pin liao...

All I need is the courage to push the button...

PUSH!!! Come'on!!! Push that button!!! Push!!!
Don't panic!!! Don't be scared!!! You can do it!!!
Breathe In!!! Breathe Out!!! Push!!! Push!!!
Breathe in and out again!!! Keep it up!!!
Push Harder!!! Push!!!!!


I realised I just sounded like I'm in labour...

Nobody should be made to face this kind of torture!!!
I'm going crazy...

Anyway, even if don't push now, I will still receive my results by post a few days later...

Okie, I've made my decision...

I Will Push The Damn Button...



NUS should stopped this habit of springing surprises onto their students!!!
(They did the same thing to us on that tution fee increase too...)
My results just Suddenly appeared on the screen like that...
My heart skipped a beat...

Yeah!!! I improve a bit!!!
Sem Cap= 3.625
Overall Cap= 3.45

In terms of semester Cap, I have improved by quite alot when compared to Sem 2...

But then, I still got one Blurdy C+!!!
Fluids mechanics!!!
I thought my thermodynamics is going to be worse, but nooooooooooo...
I still prefer Fluids Mech though...

Overall, I'm satisfied with Engineering Visualisation and Modelling, cos I got an A- for it...
Sensors and Actuators also not bad lar, got B+ even though I messed up one question...
Singapore Society is good!!! Cos I finally got a B+ for an Art module!!!

But I'm not too happy about Mechanics of Materials, becos it is one of my favourite modules, I have hoped to get at least a B+ for it... (Cos in Sem 1 I got an A- for it...)
Engineering Thermodynamics is expected lar... So B- still tolerable... (But that doesn't meant I like it though...)
Fluid Mechanics!!! Why are you lower then Thermo?? I don't believe this...

Next year must get better grades!!! No more C+!!! No More!!!


At 1:12 AM, Blogger Azure1984 said...

28th Dec is a good date ma...... for the release of DEATHNOTE 2!!! Haaha MUST watch~!

At 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wah make so much noise end up only 1 C+. What the hell.

At 12:25 PM, Blogger snoookems said...

not bad...well done=)

At 2:22 PM, Blogger Freehaven said...

Keep up the gd work...u will definitely do better in future...

At 8:47 PM, Blogger averii said...

Bah... I didn't watch the first one, so most prob may not be watching DN2...
Unless you sponser lar, which I think is also highly unprobable...

Are you who I think you are?? Becos if you are, please stop acting like I dunno you...
If you are not who I think you are, wah, I make noise in my blog also cannot arh??
1 C+ very jialat liao leh, I'm aiming for 2nd lower, cannot afford to have C+...

Thanks!!! You are doing well too right?? Hahaha... Let's work hard in the new sem!!!

Hahaha... I hope I will continue improving... Your turn to suffer next year... Heeheheheee...

At 9:28 AM, Blogger chillycraps said...

wah your result not bad leh, I still don't dare to expose my result =P

coming sem bia again!


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