Monday, December 18, 2006

The Dangerous Power of Laughter...

Laughter can diffuse difficult situations...

And yet, they can make a mockery out of things meant to be taken seriously...

I've tried telling two people a little bit about my current situation...

But they laugh it off with just a few sentence...

Maybe it is because I did not tell them in great detail...

Or maybe they thought there is no need to take me seriously...
(Even though I always laugh about and joke alot, always having that stupid
grin on my face, I am still Capable of Serious Thought)

Let me tell you something...

I resent it...

I dislike it alot...

I must admit, a sudden spurt of hate went through me then...

But I allow myself a few minutes of that negative feeling to stay in
Because I am human...

I have the right to experience it...

Something is going to happen, and I don't like it...

I tried to changed it a bit, tried to compromise with the others...

But in the end, it was back to square one...

With me enduring all the consequence...

And them having their way...

They did not even tried to bend a bit...

Not one bit...

And I'm the one suffering in the end...

I have protested...

But it is just me against them all...

If I protested again and tried to change it, I can predict that some of them will get annoyed and say "You can't expect all of us to comply to your wishes!!!"

I did not say I want to have i
t my way 100%...
I just want some fairness in this, since I'm part of it...

If I complained about it, I can predict that some of them will get frustrated and say "Why didn't you say so earlier??"

But the problem is, I already did...

You didn't listen...

If I sulked about it, I can predict that some of them will just rolled their eyes and say "There she goes again, she's always like that!!!"

Can I say the same for you??

You may asked, how would I know about their reactions or predict it??

Because I have experience it before...

I have seen it, heard it, felt it...

I can still remember it vividly...

I hate it...

It's being a long time since I last revert to my other personality...

Maybe it is time to do it again...

Or people will forget just how terr
ible it is...



At 8:20 AM, Blogger chillycraps said...

although I dunno what's going on, but I can guess something.

that's why I don't like living in a group...

At 6:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heyo.. What happened?!!! Aiyo, who actually dare to offend u man?? Muz be someone who hasn't tasted ur fire spitting stunts sia~ Hahaha..

I have, many times.. so it's definitely not me.. lolx..

Whoa, tot i'm e only one.. i always feel tt way from time to time ba... Sometimes ppl just treat me s if i'm some kid, n don't take me seriously.. Until, my advice or predictions came true... Then it usually ends with me telling em "i told u so" -_-...

Tho i dun reli noe who ur friends r (u got too many liao, cant keep track sia.. haha... ), but if need any listening ears, mine r alwaz free~ =)

Besides, i'm super bo liao these days too.. =X

Argghh... Blogger dun allow me to sign in wif my acc oso.. =S

At 9:47 PM, Blogger averii said...

I still prefer living in a group...
Guess I'll have to deal with the problems that comes along with it...

Maybe I should become meaner... Hahahahaaa...

Hmmm... Am I one of those people??
Retribution liao... *groans*
But I can also think of a few more people who behaves this way too...

Super bo liao?? Hahahaha... Go and make xmas present for your frens lor...

Ya, maybe I'll call you, if I can get my lazy fingers to pick up the phone...

At 1:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

im listening.


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