Wednesday, December 13, 2006


It's that time of the year again...


Throughout my entire schooling years, I have always look forward to the holidays...
No school!!!
No need wake up so early!!!
No need see the blurdy teachers!!!
Or irritating schoolmates!!!
No homework!!!
No exams!!!

Until now...

Ever since I've entered into university, my expenses have all gone up...

Tution fees are super expensive and taking a toll on my family...
So of course I would have to pay for it myself lar... Can't really depend on my parents too much right...

My social circle have broadened... And my friends sure spends a lot...
Instead of the usual Gangst8r...
There's MuggerHood now...
Chalets... Sleepovers... = $$$

No more uniform in Uni!!! I need clothes!!!
And then I suddenly love shopping!!!
Which is kinda unheard of since I used to Hate shopping!!!
(Maybe it is puperty part 2??)

Camps are expensive!!!
Etc etc...

In other words...

I need a job!!!


I hate finding a job...
To be more precise, I hate the Uncertainties that comes along when searching for a job...

1) Interviews...
2) Unfamiliar Environment...
3) Strangers...
4) Unfamiliar Job Scope...

Garh!!! What is wrong with me??!!!!?

Maybe that is why I prefer to work alongside with a friend...
I feel less insercure that way...

When will I ever overcome my phobia of uncertainties...

I need a job... Any lobang??
Best if I can work besides a friend...

Pretty please??


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