BBQ @ PGP (BHID Volunteers)
BHID Past Events and Outings
BBQ @ PGP - 23/08/2008
After the normal visit to BHID, me and Donnie and Travis head on to PGP as the rest have something on in the afternoon...
So we travel to Vivo City there cos the harbourfront bus-stop have buses that leads directly to PGP...
And since we are still early hor, we took a stroll in Vivo City...
Thus I drag them to the pet shop on the third floor!!! Yeah!!!
Wah the puppies are very cute!!!
Errmmm, hence we got distracted by the cute little animals and also waiting for YL, which makes us terribly late for the badminton session at PGP...
The six of us (me, YL, Bernard, Donnie, Travis, Benjamin) played some badminton to pass the time as we wait for the rest of the volunteers to arrived at PGP...
It has been a long time since I last played badminton liao wor, but heng my skills still not very rusty yet...
Cos at least me and YL when combined, still can trashed Donnie/Travis/Benjamin doubles combination...
But unfortunately, once Bernard enters the game, errrmmm we sort of errrr started losing... Damn it...
Lets just say he really knows how to ultilize his long limbs... Arrrgggg...
Anyway, Yungle came afterwards and shoo-ed us all upstairs to her block cos she made some toast with kaya, and dunno red or green bean soup...
By this time, many other volunteers have also started streaming in and our dear Chairman started feeding us...
As we all gobbled up the food, ooooh do we feel some motherly love... Hahaha!!!
Some of us went to Donnie's room to grab the food, while the rest head on to the BBQ pit!!!
(Right, I didn't realised that the floors are separated according to gender, so the floor we went to are the guys floor...
Just so happens I was turning my head around, and then I saw one guy coming out of the shower half naked with a towel wrap around his lower half...
And then!!! And then hor!!! He unwrap his towel!!! And rewrap it again!!! In front of me!!!
Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! O_o
Just kidding la, I didn't see anything cos he was back facing me...

Oh chey its just our Chairman...

So we have to not only slaved over the hot and sooty pit to cook the food, some of us become umbrella holders to save the food and the charcoal!!! Very labour intensive indeed...

- some cook the food
- some hold the umbrella
- a few extras stand around and look (or like me taking photos)

All thanks to our hardworking guys and girls!!!

And thanks to our many "food tasters"...

(Yaya, I am very Zi Lian)

We realised that that chicken wings weren't cook even when placed on the BBQ pit for a very long time...
So a few of us decided to try the microwave oven instead...

Right... So microwave it is...
(Yes, the chicken wings are good indeed... Muwhahahaha *licks lips*...)
Back to the BBQ pit...

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