My Lovely CCA - BHID (Introduction)
I believe in this mantra "Better Late Then Never" wholeheartedly...
So here goes my annual Blog-a-ton...
BHID Past Events and Outings
A lil introduction before I began...
I joined one of the Regular Volunteering Program (RVP) from NUS CSC at the beginning of 2008...
Now now... Why in the world would I join a CCA so late into my university education??
1) I think having a CCA looks better on the resume
2) I wanna make more friends
3) I am sick of my boring school life ( = no life)
4) I have virtually no life outside school (school - home - school - home - school ...)
5) I repeat, I really have NO LIFE!!!
Enough whining...
Opportunity comes in the form of yenl and YL (who joined 1 week before me) and BHID was introduced to me...
And I have not regreted it since...
BHID is Bishan Home for the Intellectually Disabled...
Every week, the volunteers head over to the said place and enjoy some activities with the residents...
These ranges from simple basketball and football activities (such as dribbling, passing and shooting etc) to MATP (Motor Activities Training Program) a form of training for residents with severe physical disabilities...
All of these activities aimed to train residents on the various motor skills which all of us take for granted and at the same time, allow them to have fun and interact with more people...
Of cos, activities may vary from semester to semester...
But roughly it is around like that...
Here are some photos of the stuff we usually do:



Some photos we took in the meeting rooms at BHID...

Our weekly lunch and the traditional bubble tea session!!!

Other Bo Liao pictures...

We have very cute residents too!!!

His name is Ah-Boy by the way...

Bleah... Who ask you to ignore a Mei Nu (aka me)...
There's another cute little dog too...

When we first get to know this cutie, a resident told us 'he' is called 'Ah-Boy'...
But me and YL feel that Ah-Boy is too common a name, hence we decided to give it a new name...
"Here donny donny~~" -- Ah-Boy ignore us...
"Here yongfeng boy~~" -- Ah-Boy made no motion at all...
"Here travisy~~" -- Once again, no reaction...
Well, all was not going well in our quest at name-a-dog by saying all the names of the male volunteers at BHID until...
"Oei, Bernard!!! Respond leh you!!!"
"Bark!!" *wags tail*
Okie, hence we name it Bernard the dog, after our very own Auntie Bernie...

But guess what!!!
Just recently, we found out that 'Ah-Boy' is actually a female!!!
And her real name is Poppy!!!

Awwwww... So cute!!!
For more information please visit the BHID blog!!!
u publicising for BHID hor... i tot you ae going to talk abt all the outings we went leh.... wat abt chalet.. science ctr...safra?
These will come later...
Cannot publish all at one go, will overload the readers...
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