Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Comments Award

I have written an earlier post about the hypocritical behaviour in people...
And for the first time...
I got a very very long Comment!!!

And the Averii Self-Titled Record of Having the Longest Comment Made By a Reader goes to.....


Mr. Jelmerick!!!


Now will you, Mr. Jelmerick, please step up here to the stage to receive your prize...
Which is errrrrr... One entire post with your name on it??

Wahahaha... Anyway, hope you don't mind me publishing your comment, since well, your comment is in plain open sight to anyone who bothers to click on the comments link...
And what you wrote is indeed chim, and long, and looks like the kind of "Serious-Intellect-Things-Which-I-Usually-Don't-Bother-To-Write"...

Too good to lay it hidden in the puny comments link...
And I don't want let your efforts goes to waste...

Ya, not because I'm lazy to write or anything... Nope nope!!!

So please forgive me if you don't intend other people to read it... Heehee...

*Smarter people probably would have no problem understanding it... But dumb people can skip this entire post and go admire at my pictures in my earlier posts... Eh, ZW, why are you still reading it?? Hahahahahahaha...*

Jelmer said...

Interesting thought u have...

In fact, i had similar thoughts way back when i was in NS... It was a time when i see a lot of different people especially those who are in the same group, or rather section as me...

Then, there were a lot of politics going there... like how this person dislike that person; this person was outcasted; this person and that person ganged up to defy another person; etc.... there were a lot... Worst was, all these were done behind the 'victims' back...

Due to the nature of my NS duty, which i shant elaborate, i got to see how people reacted in front and behind.

To cut the story short, when I became my section I/C, I was non-chalent on how people behave in front of me. I was skeptical cuz i have seen how complex the way politics worked, even for the previous I/Cs before me.

Ok, cut the story even shorter, i came out with an explanation. Ha..

Sometimes, even if one pursues the truth to everything, one would still rather see the 'good' side than the 'bad' side of people.

Imagine, a person you noe see you and greet you and chat abit. You would probably felt glad. If a person u noe see you and ignore you purposely, u would probably felt pissed.

So now, should u feel angry about it? Or rather be happy about it? If that person hates you and is willingly to show u the attitude, should u be glad that he is truthful?

But often than not, like i said, people would rather see the hypocritical side of people, be it knowingly or unknowingly, than see the real side of people.

So it has now seems like the onus is on u and not on other people, how truthful they r to u..

Ok, probably u wont agree with me, or dun understand the logic, but it's okay.


U noe wat, i was a bit crazy about such things cuz i had enough during the NS, that i came out with 4 theories, titled Jelmerism. HAHA...

3:02 AM


Well, well, that was a reward well-deserved, ain't it??

And the Most-Bo-Chup-Answer-I-Have-Ever-Received (other than beany's favourite "wadever") goes to...

*plates crashes*

Mr. Chia Ling!!!

cj said...

i dont know and i dont care.
u tell me where i belong...

3:40 AM



For someone who scored at least an 'A' in his CTW paper, and a CAP score of higher than 4.5...

Come on chia ling, write me a 1500 word essay!!!

This picture is irrelevant... I put it here because kitty is soooooooo CUTE!!!

And no, this is not a picture of Jel or Chia Ling either...


At 11:04 PM, Blogger Jelmer said...

*stepping up on the rostrum and adjusting the mic to suit his height*

*tap, tap*

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

Thank you for the award.

*In a swift action, he stepped down.*

What a laconic speech!

At 7:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank u.
i know all my friends love me.
and i love myself too.


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