Sunday, April 09, 2006


Today is the day...

I finally realised just how UNFIT I am...

After weeks of denial, I decided to give my mirror a chance to tell me the truth...
But still unconvinced, I followed my little squirrel to further test the reliabilty of the claim it (my mirror) makes...

So we went jogging today, at a park nearby my house...
Since I only woke up at 9+++++am, that park was the most obvious chice to go because of the shade those trees will provide...
I love shades, because I will melt in the hot sun...

Anyway, that park wasn't exactly a park...
It was more like a hill-being-tranform-into-a-park-with-pond/lake/got-water-inside-thing...

Hill = Slopes = Tired Calves = Not Good...

Pond/lake/got-water-inside-thing = Got Tadpoles = Cute = Nice to Watch = Good...

Anyway, at the hill-park, we did some warm up exercise before we start...
And we ran a Grand Total of miserable X minutes...
Why X minutes, because it is so miserable that I pai seh...

Ahem, after running for that X minutes, I realised that if I do not want my little squirrel to suffer the consequence of me fainting and carrying me, I will have to stop...
Hah, that is my exercise of the week: running a miserable X minutes...

The hell, I am So Freaking Unfit!!!

Back in JC days, where I'm at my fittest, I can run 2.4km in 13.14 minutes...
That is good enough for someone without a running record...
But now... Where in the world did my Stamina go???
That X minutes, I only ran this long because I became breathless too fast, but my legs are still energetic...
In fact, there was no after-exercise sores and aches!!!
This means that I have not exerted myself at all!!!

Hmmpth, next week I must go swimming, cos at least I can last Y hours instead of minutes...


Err... Remind me please...


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