Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Hey, it's Hard to be Me... and You...

When you want to be true to yourself, it means saying out your feelings, your opinion, our thoughts, your everything without any facade right??

Yea right, its kinda hard to be that...

See, when you see something/hear/experience something, what will your reactions be like??
(especially if it were things which you don't like, is Wrong, is untrue, or you are asked for your own opinion... blah blah)

Will you...

Be honey-sweet and sugar-coat everything you say, everything you do, played down the wrongs and turned up the rights just so that you will "not hurt that person's feelings"??
Really because you don't want to hurt that person's feeling or because you want to be liked??

Play the boot-licker, say/do/act and be the exact opposite of what you are feeling because you want to gain something from it, and will not hesitate to trade your integrity for something tangible??

Just act indifferent and say something along the lines of "yea, right... Errm whatever", because you do not know how to react to it, for fear that you will say something wrong and suffer from the consequence??

Say out the very harsh words, exaggerating things, twisting the truth, and going all out to hurt someone in the process just because you do not like the person, something related to the person or because you feel like it??

Or will you say out the real truth, your exact feelings, without any sweeteners??

These are the typical examples of how people will react, in many situations...
I know a lot of people will choose to go down the honey-oh-so-sweet route...
Especially the girls... Are they really that kind, and nice??
Or because they wanted to be liked, they are afraid of spoiling their reputation, or because they are brought up this way??
However, although they ARE some people who are really this nice, I suspect many are not...
Especially in the face of a stranger, or an acquaintance, they will travel via this road, and maybe even in front of their good friends, many choose not to disclose their true feelings...

As for the boot-lickers, sometimes it is freaking obvious to spot them, sometimes not...
Few people belong to this category now, but the numbers may rise rapidly when they enter the workforce and came head-on with office politics...
You will either learn it willingly or be "forced" into polishing those damn boots, because everyone else is doing it, consciously or not...

The indifferent method, also quite popular among the guys and maybe some of the girls as well...
As far as I know, this is most likely one of the safest method, having no opinion..
Nobody can accused you of saying the wrong things at the wrong times, and that is probably why this is a Singaporean's favourite...

The evil and mean, they survived on other people's misery...
The more other people suffer, the happier they will get, because their lives would seemed to be more fortunate in this way...
Many of us, deep inside, would feel this way...
Because we live in a very cold and calculating world...
Where one man's fall is another man's rise...
(Thus those news reports on bloody murders/crimes are usually the hottest articles...)
But whether we choose to show it to the whole world is another thing altogether...

The truthful...
Few people possess the essential courage and language ability to do so...
There could be more of these in existence, but chances are, they are most likely to have morph into another species as they try to conform to societial pressures...
When they speak out the truth, people will go "Eh, why you so mean?? Don't hurt his/her/it/their feelings okay??"...
Thus they are always seened as in the same league as the Evil and mean species... (who were so evil and mean that they are indifferent to criticism to themself...)

How can one progress and improve if one did not received constructive criticism??
You have to learn to accept all of your flaws and learn more about your strengths before you can really be happy...

What are you like??

One of the species or a combination??

Time to do some thinking and self-reflection...



At 6:02 PM, Blogger Jelmer said...

Interesting thought u have...

In fact, i had similar thoughts way back when i was in NS... It was a time when i see a lot of different people especially those who are in the same group, or rather section as me...

Then, there were a lot of politics going there... like how this person dislike that person; this person was outcasted; this person and that person ganged up to defy another person; etc.... there were a lot... Worst was, all these were done behind the 'victims' back...

Due to the nature of my NS duty, which i shant elaborate, i got to see how people reacted in front and behind.

To cut the story short, when I became my section I/C, I was non-chalent on how people behave in front of me. I was skeptical cuz i have seen how complex the way politics worked, even for the previous I/Cs before me.

Ok, cut the story even shorter, i came out with an explanation. Ha..

Sometimes, even if one pursues the truth to everything, one would still rather see the 'good' side than the 'bad' side of people.

Imagine, a person you noe see you and greet you and chat abit. You would probably felt glad. If a person u noe see you and ignore you purposely, u would probably felt pissed.

So now, should u feel angry about it? Or rather be happy about it? If that person hates you and is willingly to show u the attitude, should u be glad that he is truthful?

But often than not, like i said, people would rather see the hypocritical side of people, be it knowingly or unknowingly, than see the real side of people.

So it has now seems like the onus is on u and not on other people, how truthful they r to u..

Ok, probably u wont agree with me, or dun understand the logic, but it's okay.


U noe wat, i was a bit crazy about such things cuz i had enough during the NS, that i came out with 4 theories, titled Jelmerism. HAHA...

At 6:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont know and i dont care.
u tell me where i belong...


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