Monday, April 03, 2006

Uh Oh...

Wonder if it was due to stress, or lack of excercise, or combination of both or...

Or that there is some unknown-deep-never-before-discovered health problem in me...

I'm having chest pains...
And it is increasing in frequency...
Now I'm scared man...

With all the scary reports of sudden cardiac death...
Ooohhh... Is my life in Danger??

Hmmpth... Better start excercising soon...
But will have to do it slowly at first...
Ya soon... Soon...

Ya right...

Anyway.. Exams, although they are still in the future, are fast becoming the present...
I have like LESS THAN 2 WEEKS OR 10 DAYS before the programming practical exam!!!

And than there are LESS THAN 3 WEEKS OR 20 DAYS before the first physic exam!!!!!


No wonder I'm having chest pains...

Sigh... EE and Socio are almost complete, CS still have a bit more, maths abit more more, while I still have not cover a whole chunk of quantum physics...
And I have less than 3 weeks...

Shit... Don't want get negative CAP... Must increase speed of... studying??

Okie... I'm in an irrelevant mood todae again...
*Next Topic*

My funnie Scociology Lecturer...

I had my last socio lecture last week...
Boohoohoo... His lectures are the best among all that I've taken...
It's sad that his lectures have to end so early while stupid physic's is still ongoing... And going... And going...
Hey, now is week 12 le eh!!! Physic exam is in week 14!!!
When the hell are you (physic lecturer) gonna finish teaching that damn module??

Hah, anyway, socio lectures are the best, errmm when compared to engin's lectures...
Cos I didn't fall asleep once (okie, maybe once or twice) in socio lectures, wherelse I have been sleeping in physic lectures dating way back into last semester...
Although got a few lecturer teaching the same subject, they still have the same effect on me...
Which is zzzzz...

My socio lecturer has a sc1101e (the module's code) blog...
Very few post, but got one very funnie...

Ah Beng Medical Dictionary

> > some simple explanations for chim words:

> > Antibody: against everyone (Hahahaha!!!)

> > Artery: the study of fine paintings

> > Bacteria: back door to a cafeteria

> > Caesarean section: a district in Rome

> > Cardiology: advanced study of poker playing

> > Coma: a punctuation mark

> > Dilate: to live longer (Wah liao, my fav... My socio lecturer even form a sentence using this : "I want to dilate because I want to see my grandchildren." This one got me in stitches)
> > Genes: blue denim slacks

> > Haemorrhoid: a male from outer space

> > Impotent: distinguished, well-known

> > Labour pain: hurt at work

> > Organ Transplant: what you do to your piano when you move

> > Protein: in favour of young people

> > Red blood count: Count Dracula

> > Secretion: hiding anything

> > Tablet: a small table

> > Terminal illness: getting sick at the airport

> > Urine: opposite of "you're out" (Teeheehee)

> > Varicose: very close

> > Vein: conceited

Irrelevant again...
*Switch Topic*

Errm... Okie... No more topic liao...



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