WeeH Bdae and TL Concert!!!
This whole thing happens on 11/03/07, a day after WeeH birthday...
Oh I just love to procrastinate...
But I said I will blog about it and I did!!!
Even though it took me like one month...
But better late den never!!! Ahahahahhahaaaa...
Freaking Huge Amount of Photos...
Being the camera-button-pressing-happy person I was, I took over 160 photos on Kang' s Cam!!!
And I uploaded the majority...
It all started when I started panicking over:
"What MuggerHood should do to Celebrate WeeH Bdae, since he so bo liao go and make himself not free from 12-2pm when TL concert is at 5pm!!!"
Wah piang...
What can we do something that is Fun and Interesting and that involves EveryBody within the Short Period of Time we have and which is Not Expensive?!!?!
And den TL gave me a suggestion which sparked off the entire Hunt all over NUS!!!
TL: use my idea... lol... we prepare small presents? or sth lar... make him do treasure hunt in school... run all over NUS
Ta dah!!!
Ideas started pouring and overflowing my brain, so me and TL begin to get the whole thing down to shape...
But unfortunately, there are still many loose ends, and TL is very busy to hear me crap all night, hence I have to find some other
Who is there to call but my dear Jolin-Mei-Nu-aka-Thick-Skin-YL!!!
Why are You Always Not There when I needed you most...
You always come a few hours late lor...
Please be more punctual next time...
So I decided to call my also equally dear Wonderful-Nice-To-Bully-Kangaroo...
A few hours later YL came home, and the three of us tried to do a Phone Conference...
Failed once on Kang's lousy Motorolalala handphone...
Nokia Rocks...
Motor only know how to Roll around La... So MotoRoLa... (Geddit?? Geddit?? Hahaha lame -_-)
Anyway, the whole plan was finalised at 1+am... And it was off to bed for a early morning tomorrow!!!
The plan is about like this:
Me, YL and Kang were supposed to meet in the school at 11.30am to scout the area for potential hunting spots...
Once found, photos will be taken to be used as a clue for WeeH (more infor later)...
And then at about 1pm, we will meet up with JL and YB to tell them about what they will be doing later and makan at the same time...
2pm is the time WeeH is free, which will also be the time the Game will start!!!
But for like every great plan, it will always be full of hiccups...
I am supposed to meet with YL at a busstop (since we lived so close to each other) at 11am...
11.27am and YL is still not there!!!
The reason?? Stomache...
So I came late to school...
But I am still the first to arrived cos Kang is LATE too!!!
Garrrrhhhh he must have given up on reaching on time...
When we has successfully found all the nice hiding spots, we went to find JL and YB...
But 2pm was fast approaching when we have finally finished discussing...
So I quickly sms WeeH and tell him to leave at 2.15pm instead of the 2pm he was supposed to (cos we very hungry)...
Alright... Let the Game Begins!!!
Birthday Boy: WeeH aka Gonghwee
Place: EA level 1
Guide: Averii (Me!!!)
Place: EA level 1 Toilet
Stationmaster #1: Kang
Place: The Photocopy Room at E2 PC Cluster
Written Clue: "Where the chemical compounds produced are harmful at low level, but useful at high level"
Photo Clue:
Stationmaster #2: JL
Place: Hidden Stairs Near LT6
Written Clue: "Where bazaars are usually being held"
Photo Clue:
Stationmaster #3: YL
Place: Computer Centre
Written Clue: "When you need to stand to see Windows"
Photo Clue:
Stationmaster #4: YB
Place: EA Level 2
Written Clue: "When the entire level is only half"
Photo Clue:
Stationmaster #5: TL and Seb (and a very late YT)
Place: UCC
Written Clue: "Where you need pay $$ to go in"
Photo Clue:
Game Plan
1) Gonghwee will first arrived at the starting point to look for his Guide (which is me)...
2) He will receive a Written Clue (which consists of a few written words hastily string together to form a sentence and hopefully look like it'll make sense)...
3) If he is still stumped by that after some time, he will receive a Photo Clue (pictures we have taken of the surroundings of the game station)...
4) If he still dunno hor, I (or the retired station masters) may drop some Hints (in the form of *AHEM* *COUGH* *same level same level* etc)...
5) After every station completed by Gonghwee. the respective station masters will be able to join us
6) At the last station (UCC) all of us will try to find TL, and celebrate Gonghwee's Birthdae there!!!
Click to Start Game
(No, just kidding, read on...)
(Warning, the many pictures starts here!!!)
(Cos I very excited to have a nice camera to play with...)
Feeling very excited and happy...
Ya, bloody unglam...
Here is me, the Guide!!! Waiting in the Toilet!!!
Cos I'm in EA 1st floor right now, and outside, there's this Engineering Open House of some sorts...
And I too shy to go out and wait, cos all those people/lecturers/students there always mistaken me as a freshie...
And Gonghwee hor is very late!!!
You talking to some random Mei Nu is MPSH issit??
I very bored...
So I go and Disturb YB!!!
Anyway, at about 2.45pm, our dear little Birthdae Boy finally arrives!!!
Very Da Pai you know...
He got a shock when he realised he has to play this game!!!
When he saw the photo clue...
"What kind of shitty photo is this??"
Use your brain~~~ Use your Brain!!!
Apparently, Gonghwee quite smart...
After scrutinizing for a few minutes, he conclude that "it must be at some place with computers, cos got the glare of the monitor"...
Wah!!! Like that also can see???
So we went to E2...
It was all dark and eerie inside...
But Gonghwee very happie, because he saw that the corridor was exactly the same as that in the photo clue...
He tried one of the doors to the room...
We went to the very end of the corridor...
Hmmm... Nobody's there...
So Gonghwee took no chances...
He tried using his matriculation card to access every one of the room...
Because according to him, "The rooms so dark... They could be hiding behind the tables, on the floor!!!"
TEEEEHHHH!!! Access denied!!! Cannot enter room!!! Hahahaha...
Gonghwee: Wah liao!!! Chey I thought you are the printing room auntie!!!
Kang passed Gonghwee his second clue...
Gonghwee: Wah so easy!!! At LT6 there lar!!!
Second station master found...
Me: No photo clue for you liao, since you say easy!!!
Gonghwee: !!!!!
(Me lar!!! And YL helped too...)
30 Minutes after he received his third clue...
Gonghwee: *gasped*
By messing up YL's MSN conversation...
Kang, I should stop standing next to you when taking photos liao...
Cos my face looks so bloody round next to your rectangle face!!!
I had a scare during this part of the game...
Cos I realised that my handphone is missing!!!
Me: I lost my handphone!!! I lost my handphone!!! I lost my handphone!!!
Kang: Ya, so?? I know arh...
I was running and tracing back our steps, in a desperate attempt to find back my handphone...
Then I heard YL calling my name, and saw Kang walking very calmly towards me...
Something is not right though, cos Gonghwee and JL were also quite Kan Cheong besides me, but Kang was not at all flustered...
I saw him reaching into his bag...
Then it hit me... He Has My Handphone All Along!!!
No wonder he gave me that retardy answer!!!
*bish* *bish* *bish*
Gave me a scare leh you!!!
Kang: Whey!!! I very nice okay!!! You dropped your handphone, I help you to pick it up and carry it for you leh!!!
Fourth station master found...
The last station master is found!!!
But Chinese New Year over liao leh...
-___-||| ---> JL
I was holding his present behind him as we took this photo...
He was pleasantly surprise when he saw the photo in the digital camera screen...
Because I think a knife would do a much better job...
Whahahaha!!! I like this photo!!!
Did ya see JL face in the background??
Wah he has super sculptured face man!!!
Is our face as sculptured as JL's now??
Gonghwee treat us to Xiao Long Bao!!!
So yummy!!! Thanks Gonghwee!!!
The Chocolatey Self Proclaimed Mei Nu Head Coated With Lots of Thick-skin-ness syrup...
Guaranteed to have you running for the loos after consumption because too much sugar...
The Long Head With Special Coconut Shavings On Top...
You will feel a penchant for neither short nor long pants and bowl-shape haircut after eating...
The Bowling Ball Head Filled With Lots Of Lemon, Chilli and Chocolate Sauces...
Weird combination?? It is just nice to induce blood from you after eating...
Gods knows why the lens cap is off...
The lens cap is still off... *smacks head*
Labels: Uni People
"I dunno why both TL and YT are looking skywards while YL is grimacing..."
E cameraman told us to pose sth else besides the usual smiling ma... So we did sth else lo.. It's only u who nv listen sia.. lolx...
And wat grimacing?? =S That's my half-grin pose leh.. ha..
Opps, maybe I was day dreaming den...
But looking skywards while smiling is not much of a diff den looking at the camera lens while smiling...
If your half-grin look unlike like that den your full grin must be growling liao...
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