Mid Autumn Festival (BHID Events)
BHID Past Events and Outings
Mid Autumn Festival - 26/07/2008
When a festival comes, it is always a good reason for a celebration!!!
Thus we have one at BHID for the residents to enjoy...
And for the volunteers to have fun as well...
Ah, the day begins early for some...

Imagine, I can't even reach Bishan on time at 10am for nearly 80% of all the visits, and they have to reach before that!!!
(Okie, granted some of them live quite near la, but there are others who lived at PGP in Clementi, which is even further then where I stay...
Wah lau, either they are very disclipline or they have good alarm clocks...)
At the multipurpose hall...

Gathering into groups...
Alright let the games begin!!!
First up is "Passing the Lantern"...
Whereby the lantern is being passed down by everyone in the group aka "Passing the Parcel" style...
When the music stops, the person holding the lantern will have to pick a slip of paper inside the lantern, which will decide whether you received a prize or a forfeit...
In my group...

But I kena a chicken dance forfeit!!! Arrrgggghhhh!!!
Wah heng no photographic evidence...
The second game is "Passing the Rubber Bands with a Straw"...
Each group have to form one long line and pass rubber bands down the line using only straws!!!
My group...

The next activity was "Lantern Making"!!!

We have a mini break here, whereby residents get to eat mooncake, sponsered by CSC...
(Ya, it was indeed delicious... =p)
Last but not least...
"Balloon Frenzy"!!!!!!!
It is a game meant for volunteers and the staff, where each members tied a balloon to their foot, and tried to stomp on others' balloon while protecting their own...
Wah, very fun, but damn tiring...

Just before the game starts...

And the winner of the balloon frenzy is...
ME and Ritchie... Lolz!!!
Well, there was supposed to be only one winner each from both the staff and volunteers group...
But because the last few volunteers are so enthusiastic, the whole game drags for more than a few minutes...
It was errrmmm great entertainment for the residents...
The last surviving three volunteers are me, Ritchie and Travis...
Oh yes, you would think that a girl vs two guys is gonna lose right??
But no!!! I am not called "WS the 'Chor Lor'" for nothing!!!
Years of training by dodging my brother's attack when we fought has cultivated not only my "Siam-ing" skills, but also my "Running" and "Jumping Away" skills as well...
Hahahaha!!! =p
Eh, and that Travis play cheat one lor!!!
He quietly wait and relax in one small corner first, then when the numbers of volunteers started dwindling down to just a few, he ran towards us and join in...
Wah lau eh, sneaky bastard...
But muwhahahaha still lose... =p
(See the video here, scroll down to the bottom of the page...)
Oh by the way, the prize is lunch and bubble tea treat from our Chairman...

It was a great day!!!
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