Yishun Safra (BHID Volunteers)
BHID Past Events and Outings
Outing to Yishun Safra - 11/10/2008
We decided to have some fun after our normal visit to BHID...
So the vote goes to Yishun Safra for some bonding sessions on a budget!!!
On the way to Yishun...

First up is pool!!!

After a game of pool, it was time for bowling!!!
The entire group was split into 3 groups...
Bernard's group, Yongfeng's group, and the group that does not play but sit back and laugh at others (aka me)...
Bernard's group:
Bernard, Sengyong, Yingrui (missing in picture) and Yongfeng (he betrayed his own team and join the dark side)...

Yongfeng's group:
Yenl, YL, Xinyi and Melissa (missing in picture)...

My Group: Me...

Bernard's vs Yongfeng's = Fight!!!

And the verdict is...
A Draw!!!
(But will you please take a look at the lane besides us... Hahahaa!!!)

Actually, Bernard's team has won before, but it is during the last game whereby Yongfeng's team actually has a chance of winning since they are leading most of the time...
But at the very last minute, Bernard (the last player) suddenly threw a double strike (see the two X??) and help save the day (of his team anyway)...

Don't be so sad, let me comfort you losers by taking photos with you all...
(I can imagine the screams of protest already...)

After bowling came the arcade!!!

Ah, it was a fun and enjoyable day indeed...
(And also very budgeted...)
And also, with group outings, comes the obligatory group photos...

Hope to have more outings in future!!!
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