Saturday, May 13, 2006

My New Job...

I started work at my new job on 9th of May...

The day before, I had no idea where is the place I'm gonna work at, what I'm going to do, and what the people there is like...

It is akin to a leap of faith for me...

Faith in my friend la, that's it...

It took us three buses to reach the workplace, at Ang Mo Kio...
The place is abit like a industrial park, where factories and warehouse and the office are all near to each other...

When we finally reached the office, I was a bit scared...
Cos I don't really like uncertainty/unknown/strange/outside-my-comfort-zone things and surroundings...

I think my knees keep shaking... I hope my friend doesn't sees this...

First he showed me where his desk was, and let me filled in the resume...
That was before he dropped the bomb...
There was gonna be an interview!!!

What what what what what?!?!?!

Ooooooh... Now my hands are shaking as well...

"Pray" my mom always said, and indeed I prayed a lot...

But hey, in the end, there was no interview!!! The boss, or the guy in-charge of me, merely handed me a pile of stuff and decribe to me what I'm supposed to do...


So now I'm in charge of data-entrying the huge pile of name cards into excel form...
Sounds quite okay right??
Well, if you get used to it...

Here's the Pros and the Cons of my job...

1) Very far away, less sleep...
2) The bus rides are killing me with the time taken and the bloody expensive fare...
3) The words on the namecards are of font size 0.00000001...
4) I'm going to become one of the elite members of the Myopic Club...
5) There is no leg room for me cos the position of the computer is just right on top of the drawer...
6) I'm getting leg cramps from sitting with my legs wide open in order to get close to the computer...
7) I have to hunch my back becos it is impossible to sit straight after 9 hours of computer staring...
8) My back now aches like an old man becos of all the hunching...
9) My typing skills ain't good, I used a finger per hand to type...
10) Those fingers are now tired...
11) It is very tiring...
12) It is damn boring...

1) It is good money...
2) It is none-customer related... Hurray!!!!!
3) I can wear jeans!!! Woo hooo!!!
4) No bloody heels!!! Yesh!!!
5) The people there are nice and friendly unlike those at the *ahem* Certain Mobile Network Operator... (The one which is frequently associated with a picture that is the colour of the mixture of red and yellow, in the shape of a certain celestial body in the certain solar system...)
6) It is good money...
7) There's nice market nearby for lunch...
8) I have a good friend accompanying me...
9) Not as stressful as the time I was in that certain mobile phone operator...
10) The atmosphere is quite casual...
11) I can learn and improve my excel skills...
12) It was a hell of a good money...

So okie, it was so far the best job currently I've had...

I hope they will keep me!!!

Must Work Freaking Hard!!!!!


At 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

-_-||| *ahem* u pang seh mi.. say wanna work tgt then u go find a better job le. *sad* how can u do this to mi........

At 11:39 PM, Blogger averii said...

but you also say it is very hard for us to work tgt since those stupid agencies like to separate us...



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