Sports Day (BHID Events)
BHID Past Events and Outings
Sports Day Rehearsal - 04/10/2008
To be precise...
It is for the Bishan Home 10th Anniversary Inter-Home Competition...
Such a big event, being 10th anniversary and all, of cos must have rehearsal right...
But rehearsals are nothing compared to the real thing, hence I shall leave you guys with a nice group photo to mark the day...

Sports Day - 18/10/2008
The Bishan Home 10th Anniversary Inter-Home Competition is here!!!
On this day, BHID not only celebrates its 10th birthday, but also organized a competition for intellectually disabled residents from other Homes to participate...
It is a good chance to allow these residents to interact and have fun as well!!!
And so, as with the normal protocol of such events...
We have to drag ourselves down to BHID so very early in the morning...
Very early, like 8+am that kind of early and in Bishan some more... Wah rao...
Okie, I was late la, but by 7 minutes only so it is still very early...
So... Early in the morning at Bishan, you can see little figures in black lurking around...
The early ones...

Getting to their respective stations...
The Bag Carriers...

It's empty as we wait for the residents to arrived...
And Aunty Bernie is hungry... Lolz...
Eh, it is not for you... You are not VIP enough...

Besides us from NUS, there are other volunteers too...
I saw a lot of them from UPS (Yupz, those in the brown uniforms!!!)...
In fact I think they out numbered us... Hahahaha...
When the residents of other Homes arrived, it is time to start off the Inter-Home Competition!!!
First up... Morning Exercise!!!
Look at the number of people (volunteers + residents + staffs)...
Wheelchair Race!!!!!
The crowds watches on in anticipation...

Gentleman, start yourrrrr engines... Rrrrrrr....
3, 2, 1... GO!!!!!
Some of the residents enjoy dancing to the music...
Yeah Hi-5ive!!!
They even have cheerleaders!!!
Alright let the Real Games begin!!!

Yes, I shall talk about basketball since I am in basketball!!!
(I am very very bias, hence thou shall see tons of pictures from the basketball group... Yeah!!!)
Basketball consist of four stations:
1) Shooting through the hoops
The higher function residents will have to shoot the basketball into the hoop, at 6 different marked locations...
This is my station!!! But since this is only for the high function residents, it means that it will be over very quickly...
But, then there is also another segment which is for the VIPs to come and shoot hoops too!!!
Eh, dunno why they have this la (maybe they scared the VIPs very bored or what), but some of them actually came and practice for a while... Lolz!!!

2) Dribbling around the cones
The residents will dribble the basketball around the cones, guided by the volunteers...
3) Dribbling and running
Residents will dribble the basketball and run from the starting point to the ending point...
4) Throwing and catching the basketball
Residents will throw the basketball into the marked box on the wall and catch it when it bounced back...


(Disclaimer, okie I've only been sent to the Football section for a limited number of times only, so these are all based on my hazy memory...
Hope I'm not wrong, hahaha...)
Football consists of three stations:
1) Dribbling around the cone
Dribble the football around the cones, guided by the volunteer...

2) Control and pass
Dribble the ball for a distance, and kick it to one of the two "goals"...
3) Shooting
Run towards the ball and kick it into the goal...
MATP consists of two stations:
1) Bowling
Roll the ball into 10 pins and try the knock down as many pins as possible...
2) Beanbag throwing
Throw the beanbag on a piece of towel on the floor, and try to get the residents to throw their furthest...
Some lame moments:

Bet you guys didn't know this...
But a battle between two forces of evil was going on all the while, as the volunteers are busy doing the stuff...

Besides being station masters and guiding the residents through the competition, we volunteers also have some fun ourselves!!!
Just looked at the many Bo-Liao-but-Fun games we played...
For example, we all love to play the "Don't let Travis Touch the Ball" game... Hahahhahaah!!!
(The name of the game is self explanatory... Just don't let our ex-Chairman touch the ball lor!!!)
Okie lar, it is the "Monkey" game we all used to play lar...
A lot of the volunteers also like to come to my section and shoot some hoops...
I guess it is the only fun area among the rest... Hah...
Other Bo-Liao-but-Fun games...

In NUS, this thing has eluded me for so many sems...
But no more!!! For on that day...


Ah, dear lovely milo...

Chatting happily...
But of course, it was a very tiring day for all of us volunteers...

So is all of us, but ahhh I cannot find the pictures, but I assure you we are all dead tired...
After the outside activities are over, it was time to pack up...

Yupz, I guess we can trust UPS alright... Haha...

Inside the multipurpose hall...

After the entire thing is over, we have our lunch!!!

Haha, must take some photos first then show you lunch... Heez...

After lunch, we have a surprise!!!

Here are some of the group photos we took that day...

The Basketballers...

The Footballers...

The MATP-ers...
(Yes, I am bias indeed, hence so many pictures of the basketballers... Muwhahaha!!!)
Other group photos...

Man, this is one of the funnest event I have enjoyed in BHID...
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