The Last Day in NUS

Yes... The very last day of the official school term...
After 4 years in this school...
It will be very hard to part with it...
To tell the truth...
Words couldn't explain how I feel...
All the memories...
The wonderful ones...
The lousy ones...
The normal ones...
The boring ones...
All of them...

My first day in NUS... Being a freshie during orientation week... And later becoming a councillor for three years... Exploring NUS at night during O week... Getting the shit scared out of me during Fright Night when I was a freshie... Scaring the shit out of freshies when I was a councillor... Mugging in central library... Clashing lectures... Ponning lectures... Mugging in E2 computer cluster... Finding friends to hang out... Going to the bazaars at central forum... Running towards the Milo Truck for Free Milo... Drinking at least 4 cups of milo at one go... Doing projects... Brainstorming for the Design Project... Mugging overnight in school... Joining BHID... Been loved and been hurt... Enjoying the night view of NUS at night... Chionging and cursing FYP... ORD-ing from FYP... Meeting all kinds of people... Making new friends... Maintaing some friendships while losing a few... Enjoying (or not) the company of all the people I have encountered with... My last day in NUS...
Experiencing so many things...
It is endless...
I'm too attached to this school...

I'll miss you NUS...
My heart is breaking at the thought of leaving you...
It is time for me to continue the path of life...

wah so emo...
cos im feeling emo...
very nice post...
wow! great photos you've taken!
one chapter closes but moe new chapters ahead!
all the best to your future!
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