Sunday, January 15, 2006


Come to think of it...

One week has pass in school liao lor!!!


I wasn't really aware of it...
Cos during the first week of school, there are NO tutorials...
And tuesday was a public holiday, meaning I only went to school on Mon, Wed, Fri...
Wah, 3 day week... I Like~
Now I'm thinking of making it a permanent 3 day, or at least 4 day week...

Cos on Thur, according to my bloody timetable, there is only ONE miserable tutorial...
Means I have to wake up at some ungodly hour, take the increasingly expensive transport to school, just to attend ONE freaking programming tutorial...
What the hell were those time-table making people thinking?!

And I will make it come true~
We can change our tutorial class at CORS, but I dunno if they will allow so many people anot...
This is because I think as many as A06-A10 classes are allocated ONE tutorial on thursday...
(Yea, I know becos I have frens in A06-A09...)

Errrm... Shall I write a letter to them??

Dear Cors people/time-table making people/or anyone who is relevant,

I am an NUS Engineer undergraduate, who is currently studying in Year1, Semester 2. I would like to request a change in my tutorial timing of CS1101, of A07 class. This is because I only have one tutorial for the entire day, and I feel that it is a waste of my time. I'm not been arrogant here for what I say is true.

For your information, not everyone lives in a hostel, or anywhere near clementi, or owned a car. Just for this one tutorial, I would have to wake up very early in the morning to take a near 40 minutes bus journey to school. If I had to include the waiting time, that would make it nearly one hour. And since my tutorial is at 10am in the morning, this would means that I will have to jostle for space in the morning crowd. Not only that, I will also have to face the morning traffic jams, which means an extra 30 minutes wasted on the roads alone. That is excluding the return journey, so the total time spent will be approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes, to and fro. Wouldn't you agree that it was a terribly waste of time just for one tutorial which would most probably last for about 45 minutes??

And while we are at the topic of wastage, let's talk about the increasing rising cost of bus fare. As I am now no longer considered as a student in secondary education, I will need to pay for the full adult fare when taking any public transport. And that, is not cheap. The total cost of my bus fare per day is around $2.50, which cost more than an average meal in NUS canteen. That would make it nearly $10 of transport fee spent in a month, and about $35 of money used in the whole semester of 3 and a half month. $35 is enough to buy a coursebook, or a second hand textbook even. I am a student struggling on limited resources as I do not have very rich parents. So this is really a big amount of money to me.

So as you can see, if I were to go for my tutorial on thursday, I will be wasting 2 and a half hour per day, and $35 for the entire semester. I'm sure there would be other more productive ways of using these resources. I thank you for your time and patience and hope that you will understand my situation.

Tan Wan Shi

There, a nice long letter... Though I seriously doubt they will read it...
And I didn't mentioned that I'm using bus concession pass, or that there is a shorter route to school... Bleah...
No lar, I'm not really going to send the letter, later get expel or what... Hahaha...

Seriously... I have a really tight budget this semester...
Let me give you a run-down of my monthy expenses...

Pocket Money = $120

Food = $40
Handphone Bill = $10
Contact Lenses = $20
Birthdays Celebration (including present) = $20 (I sometimes have more than one friends/family bdae in one month, so may fluctuated)

Miserable Leftovers
Total = $30

Sian, one look at that amount make me feel so... So anti-social...
I dun want go out liao lar!!!
How to save up for the holidays?! (I don't have any pocket money in the hols)

So friends...
Next time if you wanna ask me out...
I'm NOT stepping a foot into K-box!!!
No Way!!!
Or into any bloody expensive restaurants/chalets/etc etc...

Errrghhh... If any of you will clearly suffer due to my absence, I don't mind going, just as long you pay for the expenses... Hahahahhaha!!!

Have a nice day!!!



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