Thursday, November 02, 2006

I Need To Rant Or I Will Go Crazy

I am so bloody pissed!!!

1) Thermodynamics...
It is already a very difficult topic... The tutorials are literally a real killer, both on the brain and time...
And things have to be made difficult by the inexistence of Detailed Tutorial Solutions!!!
When I mean detailed, I mean really DETAILED!!!
Not just throw in some variables and numbers out of nowhere and expect to guess what it means!!!
F#$%!!! Just by trying to interpret what the F#$% the questions and solutions is talking about is taking up to a few days!!!
FEW FREAKING DAYS!!! And I Have Less Than A Month Left to EXAMS!!!

Damn, I still don't know how to use the stupid steam tables...

If my brain doesn't blow by then, my temper would have done that...

2) Fluids Mechanics
Similar case to Thermodynamics...
NO Tutorial Solutions at ALL...
Siao... I don't care What Shitty Reasons they give to me...
"Oh, we do not want you to depend so much on the given solutions... Blah blah... Life has no standard solutions... Blah blah... We want you to think and explore on you own... Blah blah..."

Blah your head argggg!!!

How the hell are we gonna know those stuff we are supposed to know if you do not give us Detailed solutions for us to Understand the concepts!!!
You think your lectures notes good enough meh??
You Think the Textbooks you recommend good Enough MEH??
What?? So you want us to find the solutions ourselves?? CAN!!! Give Me Two More Months Lar!!! The Exams are so near liao, I barely have time to rest!!!

I am left in a Maze!!! I have to make many assumptions when doing the tutorials in order to start somewhere!!!

Fine I am Dumb!!! Is that why you refuses to give us tutorial solutions?? To filtered out the dumb ones???

Slap you left right center...

3) Irritating People
I am stressed...
And when I am stressed, my temper surfaces rather quickly...

On Saturday, me YL and YT went to the library to study...
Bearing in mind YT's (and mine) level of sound system, we decided to go to the discussion room instead...
However, that prove to be a bad decision, especially in the early part of the afternoon...
Since YT was freaking late, and YL went to print some stuff, I was left all alone in the discussion room...

And then...

Three Groups of Irritating People comes into the discussion room (all at different timings, but within 2 hours) and wanted to used it...

Poor things, it is not YT they encounter, BUT ME!!!
And I am no angel...

As I have said before, I have a rather quick temper (stress just doubles the speed) and I am already in a bad mood by than due to the Fluids Tutorial which I am struggling with...

So I snapped at them...
I was more kind to the first group, since they were first in the line and not much pressure was built up at that time...
But as more and more people passed by the discussion room and trying to peer through the windows, I keep on Glaring at them to make them go away...

When the third group came, I lost my temper...

"Uh, are you using this room for discussion??"

I did not answer...

"Can we share the room??"

"NO... Because there are more people coming later"

"Uh... How long will you be using it??"

"I don't know"

"When you all begin?? And end??"

"I Don't Know When We Will End, Because They Are All Late!!!!!"



"Ohhh... Ok..."

They are probably cursing me after that...

Haiya, too bad they pick the wrong time and day... If I were doing my SolidWorks, I'll be in a very nice mood instead...
Come to think of it, they are quite good looking too, but Stress (and thermodynamics) blinded me to this fact...

4) The fact that I still can't solved the Online Tutorials after all the Torture I went through...

I'm feeling murderous...

You have been warned...

Stay clear of the Level 6 of the Central Library...
Hurricanes forecasted...


At 6:50 AM, Blogger chillycraps said...

Ok, I've been warned.

I don't see why they refuse to release the detailed solutions. Afterall the onus of learning lies with us, and they should know we are mature enough to use the solutions wisely. C'mon, we are the ones getting the exam grades...

Just a little comfort, most of my tutorials are still at tut 1, with the exception of mechanics of material and solidworks.

maybe I should try bracing the storm at Central Library level 6... (oh my study corner really has storm when it rains. All my paper will get wet one)

At 10:22 AM, Blogger averii said...

Heehee you can try...

All my friends brought their raincoats...

They are still alive and kicking (in agony)...


At 10:49 AM, Blogger Xiaostar said...

Moral of story about REINFORCEMENTS:

HahaZ just have the main one enough already~


At 12:57 AM, Blogger kakashi said...

eh. i got soln, but i copy myself one. should be correct la. dunno if they change the qns. haha u wan?

At 12:59 AM, Blogger kakashi said...

scratch that.. dunno if i can find them hoho..

At 1:12 PM, Blogger averii said...

KakaShi: DotZ!!!
Never mind... I shall suffer through this...

SiaoStar: Want to be my disciple??


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