Tuesday, May 30, 2006

My Twin...

Guys... I have a secret...

Remember the little brother I told you all about??
Well, he isn't very little...
Cos I was not older than him by 3 years...
In actual fact, he's only younger by 3 minutes!!!

We are Twins!!!

Yeah, and I have proof!!!

Da Proof... I was the one on the right, I had side parting while he had no parting...

Don't look so shocked!!!
Just because we weren't studying in the same year doesn't mean we can't be twins!!!
Ya, he is slightly dumber than me, that is why he kena retain for 3 years in kindergarden what...
So now he a bit grow up liao, and starting to catch up, which makes him a bit more smarter than those kids he is currently studying with...

We were a bit of a retard when we were just borned, due to the lack of space in our dear mommy's womb for our head to fully developed...
Hey, having to squeeze two babies weren't easy, and both of us had a hard time in there as well...
Imagine trying to sleep with his semi-formed foot in your semi-formed face...
There was great competition over scared resources such as space and... Well more space...
So can't really blame us if we were idiots eh??

Actually, I still think we looked a bit retarded...

Ignore the small kid in front, that was Act Retard...

Now that we have both grown up...

More proof of our past idiotic tendencies...

Looking much better now, thank goodness...

Our inane behaviour acting up again... Some things just will not go away...

Looking happie although with questionable cause...

Twin or no twin, you cannot deny that we looked alike though...

No matter what you turned out to be, they will always be there to bring you down to earth...

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