Saturday, September 16, 2006

What Does Your Soul Look Like Deep Inside?

What Does Your Soul Look Like Deep Inside??

If This Window Ever opens... I swear I'll fly away! Indeed you really think that you would. Your soul is focused on freedom- Burned with lifes problems and a little distrustful- you've sworn to run at the first chance you get! Your soul hordes memories and rebels against yourself at times! Only problem with just wanting to up and leave is that you are one who wouldn't up and leave your friends or family members. You find yourself staying because of one reason or another. You are a reliable person with the drive to please those you love and respect. You want to make people happy and you fight with yourself to do that at times. But you always fall through for those who you care about. Don't worry though. You won't always have to feel like a caged bird. Be patient and wait. You are a bold and daring one- all you need is a will to wait for the right moment and then take wing and fly! If you go without really thinking you may burn bridges and lose those who's relationships you care most for! But if you take your time and plan things out thoroughly you'll be able to take that moment and run with it! Good luck in finding your way through life and remember that good things come to those that wait!

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Give me my Freedom!!!


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