Saturday, November 04, 2006


Too Tired To Blog

Initially I wanted to blog on the "interesting" things that happened today...

But I was TTTB after DTMLR (Doing Too Much Lab Report)... So maybe I try tomorrow yah??

Provided I am not TTATT (Too Tired After Toopid Thermodynamics)...

Life certainly sucks right now...

Just look at the bloody time I'm writing this post... (And I'm not even done with my report!!!)



At 9:53 AM, Blogger chillycraps said...

why u so pia your report? you don't have to hand it in on weekend right?

nevermind, I'll bug you to blog TTTTT (till they tell the truth)

At 9:58 PM, Blogger averii said...

I no need to hand in on weekends... But my weekends are so packed with thermodynamics that I have to sacrifice my sleep...

*gasped* spare me!!! Don't TTTTT me...
I'll be good!!!

At 10:27 PM, Blogger chillycraps said...

averii!! sob sob, my blog has broken down!!

At 10:31 PM, Blogger averii said...


Broke down??


Is it the stupid error messages you keep seeing whenever you tried to published your blog entries??


At 10:38 PM, Blogger chillycraps said...

not only that, it's.... no one can comment in my blog now!!

anyway I know I'm not alone, good thing to be in the blogger help group =)

At 11:09 PM, Blogger averii said...

I used to kena the error problem too, just about a week ago...

Aiyo... Think have to let blogger sort out the problem itself... There is nothing much we can do anyway...
(except to complain... errr... sounds very sporean right)

Hahahaa.. Feel free to complain in the comments section in my blog...

At least you wouldn't feel lonely...

At 8:07 AM, Blogger chillycraps said...

haha now it's fixed liao~!

thanks for the space, when I can't crap on MY blog, I'll crap on YOURS.


(anyway, TTTTT reminds me of TT Lim. Fluids!)

At 2:56 PM, Blogger averii said...

Wah, den won't my blog be full of crap??



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