Thursday, November 16, 2006

The "today" is 14/11/06...
I only managed to get this thing up now becos I am having problems logging into blogger for days...
Sigh... Please don't make me stress over my blog too!!!

Today... I have my me2103 quiz/exam/final one that cost 50%!!!

Feeling a bit nervous... Those grasshoppers in my stomach... They keep jumping...

I have not took the buses to school at such late a time (i,e 11am onwards) becos I would usually have a tutorial or lectures at 9 or 10am every morning...
Wah suddenly realised just how looooooong those buses took to come...
In fact, I think my waiting time was more than the travelling time itself...

Anyway, stupid me forget to charge the handphone... Its kinda like hanging on to its last of energy fuel...
So I quickly sms my friend, to obtain his current position in school before my handphone conked out...

But the suay thing is, just when I received his message, opened his sms, read the first line only, my handphone go and switched off by itself...

What the... Cannot even wait till I finish reading the message issit!!! ##%%$##@^%&^$#$@#

But what the heck, I decided not to go and find them liao and planned to study instead...

Besides, meeting up with them would probably means a higher chance of meeting YL, whose suay aura has been becoming more and more powerful... And I cannot afford to get any suay-ness on me today!!! Not when there's a quiz just hours later!!! Errmmm... I don't want to feel sleepy after a heavy lunch lar...

So I found some nice study table and pia for my ME2103...
I know its an open book test... But we have 50 Questions and Only 25 Minutes to do!!!
Means its about 30 seconds per question!!!

Cannot!!! I don't think I will have the time to flip through my lecture notes for every single freaking questions!!!
So bo pian, really have to go and memorised those easy parts...

But after studying for like 1.5 hours, I finished everything and went to the com lab to play around with the computer get used to exam conditions...

2pm came too soon...
So did 2.30pm...

Well... This is how long my exams last anyway...

Actually, I thought the test was pretty okie... There were some hard questions, but there were also some easy ones as well... I managed to complete it 3 minutes before time is up and went back to check on those uncertain questions...

Phew... But at least... ME2103 is OVER!!!
YESH now I officially have only 5 modules to study for!!! Instead of the 6 I am saddled with this sem!!! (Becos ME2103 is non-examinable)

I keep bumping into things nowadays...
Many bumps on my legs, countless ones to my elbows...

And two painful bumps on my head...

Yesterday(Mondae) I was sitting in 96 with YL and Kang...
We were fooling around and laughing as usual...

I forgot what was the topic all about, but all I know is that YL went to tap my shoulder on the side opposite hers...

It's like... I was sitting at the window seat... She's sitting on my right, and she reached her hands and tapped on my left...

I stupidly turned my head to the left and...

Bang my forehead on the metal railings of the window... (The damn bus have to jerk at this time)


I think I have been studying too much liao... Because I left all common sense at home and used its storage place for other things instead...

And those two bastards keep laughing like hell...

Blah blah blah... YL why you go and touch me for what!!!


There's another one todae (Tuesdae)...
I was in 106, with YL when I reached my stop...

"Byee byeee"



I think I'm too tall...

Bloody hell!!!
GST increase again!!!

How the hell is my Dad going to do his business if this carries on!!!

Dear government, you say you increase the GST for the sake of the lower-income family??

Ya right, guess what?? My family is one of those, and we ain't getting better...

The increase in GST will cause my Dad to suffer from a decrease in profits...
And the competition is getting stiffer, with NTUC and all those big companies...
So increasing the price to compensate for the increase in GST is like suicide in that industry...

And all those bursaries I have been begging for isn't going to help alot in the long run...
(Not when there's so many red tapes)


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At 6:29 AM, Blogger chillycraps said...

I think my height stopped growing some while liao, so I'm used to the low ceiling and stuff on the bus. The only thing I'll hit is the top of the exit.... somemore it's so greasy and oily lor!

sigh, you all the quiz finish before times up, me couldn't finish just bcos the tutor disturbed me!!!! argh!

At 7:57 AM, Blogger Azure1984 said...

whaha, super funny. It is a sign.. to tell you not to take the bus with YL. Whahahah :P

At 12:39 AM, Blogger averii said...

I stop growing for some time too!!!
But dunno why stuff like these still happens... Hahahaaa...

Aiyo... Demand the tutor to give you some more time?? Maybe give you extra credits for wasting your time??

But the exam over liao... Nothing much you can do except to pray you get a better computer the next time...

Ya, I know it is a sign...
But what to do?? She lives so near me!!!
ARG!!! Maybe I should moved... Hahahaha...


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