Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Hero of the Day...

Will be revealed shortly...

Today (Friday) can be said as both a Suay day, and a lucky day...
Cos for every Suay thing I have encountered, it will be solved with something lucky that comes my way!!!

Suay and Lucky #1
It was my last day of lab...
So I'm very happie... Becos no more sucky troublesome experiments to do lor!!! No more idiotic lab reports to write!!! No more toiling through the night just to finish the lab reports!!! No need to come to school on friday!!!

The lab was on Air-Conditioning... And according to nick, he said it was a pretty easy lab, just go there and read the readings, enjoy the air-con and do some calculations...

So I happily went for the lab...

Only to realised at the lab venue that I Have Worn My Sandals And Not Covered Shoes!!!

The Horror!!!

For those who don't know, we Must wear covered shoes before entering the labs...
No exceptions will be made even if you came in a cast...

Maybe for other labs like those that required us to be near high voltages, the sign "No Sandals or Slippers Are Allowed In This Lab" will be reasonable...

But oei, this is an Air-Con lab leh...
We didn't do anything remotely dangerous at all...
In fact, we didn't really do any experiment at all!!!

All we are required to do, was to take the readings of those gauges, make some calculations, and learned how to read the the psycho *snicker* chart...

You Need Covered Shoes For What F#$%?!?!

To keep our toes warm????


So when I opened the door of the lab venue, I am desperately trying very hard to curl up my toes, hoping by some miracle, they would shrink out of sight and hidden beneath the legs of my jeans...

No such luck... The lab assistant spot them right away...

"Why aren't you in covered shoes??"

"Errr... I left my house in a rush... So I forget..."

"You cannot do the experiment in sandals you know... You have to go and find someone to exchanged it with you for the time being..."

"Huh?! But I dunno who will be in school leh... Why cannot wear like this??"

"Cannot lar... Last time got a boy injured his foot come with slippers, he still have to go and exchanged schools with someone..."



So I quickly, with all the sms-ing skills I can conjure up, mass-sms everyone whom I think will be in school now and most probably wearing covered shoes...

The girls in Engin all not wearing sports shoes... Damn...
Many guys wore slippers or sandals to school today... Oh no...

Finally... My Knight in Shining Armour came to my Rescue...


He sms me saying that he wore sport shoes and is in canteen now... He even volunteered to come and find me to exchange the shoes!!!

So I quickly ran to the canteen to search for him...
When he saw my shoes (the same shoes that got ripped by YL), he did a double take...

"What, your sandals are these kind ar?"

Because my shoes are the girly kind...

But Seb was very brave...

"Never mind, I am man enough to wear it!!!"

Seb!!! You're the Man!!!

And he really did took off his sports shoes, gave them to me, and proceed to try to stuff his feet inside my sandals...


In fact, he was even game enough to let his friends take some photos of him in that sandals...

How many guys would really do that?!?

I am very impressed... And grateful... And touched...
And I-dunno-how-to-expressed-it-in-words-but-thank-you-thank-you-thank-you

Hence I shall declare him the Hero of the Day...

Suay and Lucky #2
The air-con lab was relatively easy as compared to all the labs I have done before...

As I have said before, all we did was to go to the air-con, endure the coldness of five or six air-cons blasting at the same time and attempted to take those readings with cold air freezing our fingers...

It was raining cats and dogs...
There were five air-cons at full blast...
I was wearing my tank top (aka shirt without sleeves)...
(Just how dumb can I get)

So naturally, I was very very cold lar...

So my Friendly Lab Partner became my Kind Lab Partner...
He gave me his jacket!!!

He gave me his jacket and endure the cold all by himself!!!

Wow!!! Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!

The second guy that came to my rescue that day...

Suay and Lucky #3
The Lab guy wants us to read the dunno-what-chim-and-messy-looking-chart-at-the-back-of-our-lab-manual and mapped out our readings on it...

And we have to hand those mapped out graphs together with the informal lab reports too...
And he even said that "Those who do not have have to go and print one"... (i.e: run out of the lab, got to the nearest com centre, log into the lab website, download the lab manual and print out the last page...)

As YenL was the one lending me her lab manuals throughout the sem, she had already filled in her graph there...

In all highlighter and glory... Very different values then the one I got... Want to fake off as mine also cannot...

So I try to hide the lab manual from view, but alas, he spotted it...

"Why your chart like this?"

"Errrr... It's my friend's..."

"You know that you have to hand in the chart with your graph right?"


"Then you have to go and print it..."

"Cannot cancel it away arh??"

Oh no... I thought, I don't want to walk all the way to E2 com lab just to print out the last freaking piece of paper...

But heng heng the lab guy suddenly said:

"You wait, I go see if we have any extras left... Then you no need to go and print..."

!!! Yesh!!! There's hope!!!

Very lucky, he do have some extras!!!

Suay and Lucky #4
I dropped my handphone on the floor...

It was a carpeted floor...

Like that count anot??


And that's the four Suay and Lucky thing that has happened to me at the same time...
There are others too... But mostly belonged to the suay region...
(i.e: YL sat next to me again and attempt to molest touch pass her suay aura to me...)

Oh ya, another lucky thing today...
Nick lend me his Dimensional Analysis tutorial...
And after deciphering his illegible codes, I managed to understand it!!!
Now I can do my tutorial lor!!!

Thanks nicky!!!
Thanks for lending me your tutorials when I needed it most...
(Though I doubt he reads this blog...)

All in all, a rather good day!!!

When I told my muggerhooders and some other friends about how Seb helped me, all of the girls went "Woooowwwwooooowwww!!!"

"So sweet!!!"

"Wah, I'm so touched!!!"

"Seb is so nice!!!"

"Oh, this is really really sweet!!!"

"He is a really nice guy!!!"

The guys?? (maybe with the exception of Nicky who was impressed as well)

They went "Hahahahahahahahahaaa... He wore girl sandals..."

And take picture some more...

The difference between a guy and girl, lies in the difference in our reactions to the same thing...



At 1:14 PM, Blogger Bear that likes stars said...

haha..SEB is the HERO~!! :P wahz...wanshi you so lucky!
engin nan de the good guys all met by you within ONE day...haha
...tell us lehz...why you get the antidote for suayness aura!!
i need it ... :( desperately. :S

At 2:14 AM, Blogger averii said...

Hahahah... Maybe you go try to get some luck from Seb...

Scarli he's the one with the antidote, cos I wore his shoes for three hours and got lucky...



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