Friday, November 10, 2006

I am really really tired...

So tired that I couldn't stand straight and have to drag myself back home...

I thought the worst was over after I'm done with the Power Cycles (gave up) in Thermodynamics and the Momentum Equations in Fluids Mechanics...

But noooooo... There, creeping in the corners, came Dimension Analysis and Flows!!!

Waaaahhhhh!!! I'm going crazy!!!!

I simply cannot do it... I have reach my maximum liao...
Some more, detailed solutions are not provided, lecture notes sucks like hell, textbooks equally bad...
I think my concepts are all warped...

Maybe I'm not fit to be an engineer...

My temper has been getting from bad to worse lately...
It is getting quick too... Such that any single little thing that would not bug me usually, may cause me to blow up...

So dear friends... If any one of you have been on the receiving end of my more-sour-then-usual-sarcasm...

Wellllll... Ehhhhh.... Sorry...


Anyway, here are some tips you may want to take note if you are within the 2 metres radius of me...
The things that gets me damn pissed...

1) Irritating Things...
I repeat, do not do irritating things...
This is one of the most important factors in contributing to my blowing up...

Do any one of the followings and I may be too lazy to go one round and just insult you directly...

The list of irritating things:
--> whine
--> slow
--> dumb
--> repeating the same things over and over again
--> noisy
--> beat-me-up-face

I know I'm discriminating many people in this way, because there are lots of whiny, tortoise, idiots, repeative, loud and freaking-qian-bian-face people in the world...

Here's a word of wisdom from me...

Life isn't Fair...

Alright, let's continue...

2) Touch me when I don't want to be touch...
Applicable to YL only...


Shoo!!! Shoo!!! Shoooooooooooooo!!!

I tell you, if I fail my Me2103 quiz, I'm gonna migrate to YIH to study instead...

The rest doesn't apply, unless of course, you are one of those mentioned above...

3) F#$%ing hard tutorials that do not want to be solved...
All shall perished!!!

Unless you managed to help me solve them...

4) YT's laughter...
>130 = Threshold of Pain; Civil Defense siren at 100 ft (30 m)

Wah liao... I headache liao...

5) Super Muggers That Chiong and Doesn't Gets Tired...
Where the hell do they get they energy from??

I think I'm getting burned out liao...

Now I have no energy to talk, let alone keep up with my usual energetic actions...

So if you see me getting all serious and quiet, don't panic, I'm not possessed...
Just that I have no energy to smile or open my mouth...

Even the usual stuff that gets me excited and high doesn't have that much an effect now...
--> food
--> chocolate and ice cream
--> music
--> shuai ge
--> cute animals

Think I need some real good rest...

Some photos taken during the Mugging Sessions...

YL's hand...

This is mine!!! Can see the words anot??

Wah, so blur...
In case you wanna know:
YL wrote it for me (and me write that 'Fu' word on hers)...

Guest of honours... AM and Jul!!!

Doing their term papers... Look at their levels of concentration...

WeeH disturbing them as usual...

YL refuses to show her face... And ends up looking like a garbage bag...

Haha... Me and Kang...

YT and Kang...

Heh heh heh...

Hope that I can defeat Fluids tomorrow!!!

Blogging sure does helps me de-stress...
Now I don't feel so lethargic anymore...

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At 6:45 AM, Blogger chillycraps said...

oh yesterday I saw wee hong jumping onto ISB front door before ppl can alight, then he was like standing sideway in the middle of the steps and ppl alighting just brush past him... and he got that "what-can-i-do" priceless look on him~

tsk tsk, can suan him liao.

At 8:04 AM, Blogger Azure1984 said... expected... I am victimised again by averii....arrrrrrrrrrrr.... -.-"

At 9:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hah.. jia you ba. i alsk keep bumping the stupid saturation wall recently..
funny thing is my mind doesnt seem to be saturated with the RIGHT stuFF ->knowledge. haha

At 11:06 PM, Blogger Summergal said...

"1) Irritating Things..."

Haha.. Now u noe how i feel when u keep whining at me to share my food wif u and chattering non-stop beside me eh??

"2) Touch me when I don't want to be touch..."

*touch touch touch* =D

And ng's pic...


Omg... so funny!!! i laugh till my stomach ached!! haha...

Very very well-illustrated~ =X

At 12:52 AM, Blogger averii said...

Hoho... Hope I can remember to suan him the next time if he bothers to come to muggerhood meetings... hahahah...

Wah?? Wah?? *looks innocent*

Think we hang out too much with JL... He is so cold, he freezes our brains!!! Haahahaha...

I laugh alot too while drawing the bowl... ermmm blue thing...

Don't touch meeeeeeeeeeeeee...



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