Sunday, November 05, 2006

Irrelevant Ramblings

Okie, since I'm stuck here at home, doing nothing but eat study eat study eat study (need fuel for the brain), it's Irrelevant Ramblings Session again!!!


My Mom got weird taste...

There was once, due to the haze, where the weather got too hot for me to handle...
Since I have shoulder length hair, I wanted to tied it up in order not to suffer from heat stroke...

But it has been nearly 1 year since I last tied my hair and showed it to public, I decided to get a second opinion on my ponytail hairstyle... i.e: My Mom...

Strike One!!!
Curling up in Pain...

A Stab in the Heart...

So I decided not to tie my hair to school...

A few days later, the weather was extremely hot, so I went to tie my hair in a weird pigtail poking out at the side of my head...

Lesson Learnt: Trust the Mirror instead...


It is very interesting to look at the nicknames on MSN...

Especially during the Exam Period... When people gets stressed, they get weird...
Their nicknames also showed what they are currently experiencing in life too...

Me :
- aver > Thou Shall Not Disturb Me
(I don't care if you are as shuai as orlando bloom... I am mugging, that is a good enough reason to ignore you!!!)

*sharpens knife* hehehe...

I never knew people could be so disgusting, till fate brought 2 of them to me.
(She made it better!)

-Wei Hong- hot jupiters, triple-star systems... where r u?

Jel :: To know you believe is not to believe.

*XiaoStar* - Living By Extremes - rot a by baby on the tree top
(perfectionistic irritation)

cherryade- -________im in a Stone-for-as-long-as-possible kinda mood.

Decided at long last~~
(Never knew sci centre can be fun~)


copying the ideas of 1 person is plagiarism but copying the ideas of many is research... im doing my nano research

Day Time Sleep. Night time cannot sleep. Night time sleep. Day time also sleep. sleep and sleep.

Among many others... But I too lazy to type liao... Some also got chinese words...


The day I realised I am so over-dependent on computers...

Is the day I tried to look for the "Undo" button when I made a mistake while writing my tutorials...

Hope everyone have a nice time Mugging!!!



At 11:06 PM, Blogger Azure1984 said...

haha super funny~~ I wonder how you look like with the ponytail sticking out!!!Show me leh!!!!!Muhahaha

At 11:41 PM, Blogger averii said...

Maybe one fine day in central library...

I may study until Siao and lose my senses and begin tying my hair like that...


At 6:33 AM, Blogger chillycraps said...

*thinking very hard*

have I seen you going to school with that pigtail?? during both yr 1 and yr 2....

At 9:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice drawings leh =)

At 12:17 PM, Blogger averii said...

Uh... Yaaa... I did tie my hair into two pigtails to school before, in yr 1... Why you remember, aiyo... so pai seh... I dunno why I did that at that time... yikes...

Hey, are you nicholas?? 0_o?? The ah-nick from ME??

At 6:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


you can call me Charming, Prince Charming.


At 9:18 PM, Blogger chillycraps said...


At 12:36 AM, Blogger averii said...


Alright, charming... Hahahahhaaaa...


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