Friday, September 02, 2005

How to Make A Good Impression On Girls...

This post is very very useful to guys...
Especially to those who are still unattached and wondering why...

I have decided to put up on this post because I have met guys who are quite charming, gentlemanly, nice etc...
In other words, they make either great boyfriends or friends...
Yet I have also met guys who are a bit unapproachable, ungentlemanly, MCP etc...
Meaning that they are total jerks...
Felt like slapping them a few times...

How To Make A Good Impression On Girls...

1)Be Friendly
Go ahead and talk to girls, but not with chat-up lines...
Instead converse with them about daily stuff which is either of interest to them or have something to do with them...
e.g: school stuff, work stuff, hobbies, friends etc...
And it would be better if you have a sense of humour to boot...
Mind you, it had better be either funny, hilarious, 'joking insults' humour, 'lame but cute' humour, or just plain fun humour...
None of the rubbish "very-sarcastic-degrading-unsensitive" type of humour...

Even though other guys may tease you about your 'lame' sense of humour, many girls think otherwise...
Ya, we think that it is cute (at least for me and my friends), and we sort of admire you for your courage to come up with such jokes...
Some more, the more jokes you produce, the higher the probability of you coming up with jokes that is funny...

And I know some guys like to tease girls with insults...
Ya go ahead and do it, provided that the girl you are teasing isn't the stuck-up-extremely-no-humour-easily-offended-narrow-minded type...
And use with caution for those kind of girls who are rather shy, quiet and very very sensitive...
Best used with girls who are errr... None of the above mentioned...
Cos I know some girls loved the challenge...
And take note, it is jokingly-funny-not-too-heavy-duty insults...
Don't go overboard...

2)Be Gentlemanly
Please use a bit of common sense for this one...
When you see your female friend carrying a very very heavy bag, and is struggling up the stairs, would you:
a) Ignore her and walk in front of her, at a very fast rate...
b) Go and chat with her, but did not offer to take the bag for her, only until she demands you to do so or until she trips and fall...
c) Go and offer her your assistance...

If you choose a), don't complain why you are still single or why you girlfriend left you...
But if you still have a very good girlfriend/wife by your side, trust me, it's gonna be sooner or later, or that she is blind...
If you choose b), you are still redeemable, you just need more brain...
If you choose c), hooray!!! You are a knight in shining armour to that female friend...

Hey, I don't care if this is the 21st century, and that man and woman are equal, thus woman should be left to carry their own stuff...
Now kick that notion out of your head!!!
We ladies, no matter how big/strong/tough/tall/muscular-looking we are, are still physically weaker than most males...
And even if that female friend is ugly/not your type/you have no interest in, come on!!! What is wrong with helping out with a friend??
Not to mention that we make great advertisement...
If you do a good deed to us, we will remember it, and will spread the word that you are a good guy blah blah to our friends...
And most of our friends are female...
But if you are ungentlmanly, bear in mind that we will remember it too...
And we can be pretty evil if we want to...
There goes your reputation...

There are many other ways for you to be a gentleman...
E.g: hold up the doors for girls, let girls pass first, help them pick up things, help them carry stuff...
In layman terms, help them whenever possible, especially if it involves saving the girls from humiliation or physical exhaustion...
We will remember it, and help you to boost points with other girls...
And if you think about it carefully, all of these gentleman-ness are just plain helpfulness...
It is applicable to both genders...

3) Be Presentable
It is OK if you look like a wreak once in a while...
Or if you have zero-sense of fashion...
But it is a big No-No for you to dress like a slop!!!
Meaning, no dirty clothes, must go and bath/brush teeth/wash face, no too untidy hair ( a little bit of untidyness is still ok, we understand that the wind must be very strong) etc...

Really, how would you react if you see a girl doing the same??
Well, that is how we would react too...

4) Don't Act
Don't Act Cool, Beng, Handsome, Anti-Social...
Don't give us Attitude!!!
Don't believe in all those rubbish on that girls like "cool" guys, or the "silent, brooding" type...
Heck, you may keep us interested for a while, but after that, we will get sick of it...
But don't worry, we can still accept a little bit of acting from guys...
Cos we understand that some guys probably have self-esteem problems such that they have to act...
But too much of it really puts us off!!!

And Most Importantly...
Don't Act as if You are Superior to Us...
Don't treat us like second class people...
Don't you ever Dare to look down on us...
I swear I will give you Hell if I know that you do and if I know you...

5) Be Sensitive
Be in tune to our feelings...
Don't brushed everything off as if it is due to pms or wad...
Or that we dunno anything at all...
Our feelings get hurt easily...
Be gentle with us ok...

"Girls are like delicated piece of China...
Very pretty to look and smooth to touch...
Yet the smallest harshness could break us...
If you want us to stay...
Handle with care..."

Sounds very tough right??

Whoever said it was easy??

That's all currently...
I may add more if I can think of others...
Well you all can add in a few too, if you want...



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