My First Time
This is my 1st blog!!!
*Encore* (opps, I think encore is supposed to be at the end...)
Well... I finally gotten the motivation and the ermm... strength? to create a blog. I've been wanting to do this for like a few months but too lazy lar... So why the sudden dilligence?
I have no idea... Hmmm... Could it be:
1) I'm currently unemployed and awaiting for the results of the university admission?
2) I'm so damn bored with just surfing the net? I have no good sites to surf anyway...
3) I've been reading too much about other bloggers and want a piece to call my own?
4) I'm a Narcissist!!! I want everyone to join in my fanclub!!!
5) I am very anti-social and hated the world, thus I want an outlet to vent my frustration?
6) All of the above???
Ans: 6 - 5/2 - 4/2
Hah? What's that?
Ok ok, well it means that 1,2,3 are correct and 4,5 are half correct.
I'm currently contributing to the unemployment rates in S'pore and it's not fun playing runescape when you are at level 54, and after weeks of reading about other bloggers I got so jealous AND motivated that I begin one...
And ya, I'm quite a show-off sometimes, especially in front of my friends ( that's what friends are for right? harhar), and I'm a honest and straight-forward girl who enjoys helping other people to point out their flaws with just a teeny bit of exaggeration... In otherwords I bitch alot okok... But mostly for entertainment purpose ( meaning that i'm just kidding most of the time ) or that I hate you/him/her/that thing or I'm in a very bad mood...
And about that anti-social thing, well it would have to depend on my mood too... I have very terrible mood swings, almost in SHM motion ( for those who didn't study physics, it means simple-harmonic-motion and it resembles a sin curve )...
Oh yeah and a few cautions...
A) My English suxxx... I'm not entering an essay-writing competition here, so if my spelling/grammar/expressions is really lousy, too bad...
B) I can be really bitchy if I want, but I'm just too kind... Sigh...
Errmmm... ok fine I'm not kind, if not I would not be bitching in the first place... I'm just not a pro at it due to lack of experience... Cos my friends are too sensitive, if I get too mean, they will go " eh, you are so mean!!! ", then make me feel as if I've just stolen a candy from a kid or make a baby cry...
C) I may use some short forms cos I'm very lazy...
D) I use a lot of dots at the end of most sentence..... ( like this )
E) I am crazy... MUHAHAHAHAHA.....
TA DAH!!!!! How's that for my 1st entry!!!!!
(>_^) *wink* *wink*