Friday, August 08, 2008

The Last of My Orientation Week at NUS

Time certainly flew...

I can still remember the time when I was still a freshie, attending my first engineering orientation week...

And now, 3 years later, here am I...
A councillor instead...

And now, my last Engineering Orientation Week has just ended...

I will missed it...
Very much...


Preview of how I have become...

Year 1 - Freshie of Nereus

Year 2 - Councillor of Tempest

Year 3 - Councillor of Raichu

Year 4 - Councillor of Olulu

~~~All good things must come to an end~~~

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


This sense of loss...

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Closing a Chapter...

Once upon a time~~~

13/01/2003 for the first...

02/04/2004 for the start...

05/12/2004 for the real...

03/08/2008 for the end...

The End~~~

Friday, August 01, 2008




The days of waking up at 6+am, doing boring work, smelling the solvent, deciphering words, facing with many frustrations, wanting to do something else more useful, wishing for the day to end, dragging my heavy bag back, waiting for the bus in the sweltering heat, reaching home at 7++pm, falling asleep from exhaustion are finally over!!!

Oh NUS...
I really miss you!!!