Wrote this some time ago, but I didn't published it cos I don't want it to coincide with my birthdae and the nice happie mood I am in...
Dated 11th June...
What in the world is wrong with you??
Dunno you so angry for what...
About the "public announcement", or because I disagree with you, or because I say you are blind?!
Can you for once, be clear about what you mean?!?!
You say that I vent on others when I'm in a bad mood??
Well, I say it is exactly what you are doing right now!!!
What the... Did you just kena sacked or what...
Talk about sworn to secrecy...
Even If I really did swear to secrecy, It Is Not To You!!!
So you have no right to yell on and on about that...
I am under no obligations to keep it a secret anyway!!!
I didn't exactly sworn to keep it a secret, it was meant to be a joke...
Apparently you are too dumb to tell...
Think just because I'm the only suay person who put it in print means I get the most blame, since the evidence are there??
If you do not like people to know about it, then why the hell did you tell others huh?!?!
Too shameful to tell, not sure whether it will work??
How the hell would I know that you would be so vehemently against that idea of it being known!!!
You bloody @#%@$#^$#*&^&@#% piece of mammal!!!
You are the stupid idiot who published it on a certain "friends-sharing-network"!!!
Talk about yelling it out to the world...
And I am not the only one who the did the "public announcement"...
That is not even an announcement!!!
I hinted a bit, and only those who know something will know what is in the blanks...
Well, apparently many do...
And don't you know that word of mouth is a much more effective media??
Maybe you should restart your investigations instead...
Nobody asked for your bloody appreciation of my "public announcement" anyway...
I do spare a thought to others, terms and conditions applies...
I have been given many chances time and time again??
Geez, how come I don't know it huh?? (-_-)
What kind of chances am I being given anyway??
You are disappointed time and time again??
Oh so sorry, I don't know again, because you did not say it, nor did you act displeased... (-_-;)
If you did, wow, it must be damn subtle lor...
I don't need to know, but I do know via that "friends-sharing-network" whereby it shows new updates from others...
Hah... I guess some people do change their mind very rapidly after all...
First they agree, and then something else happens, they changed accordingly and say the exact opposite...
Who was the one who claimed "____dunno why____", frown and complained _______, agree with several _________ etc??
How ____________...
And yes, you are still blind...
Don't like what I say??
Didn't you know there could be several different implications and tones to it, but you choose to believe in the worse one??
I hope you burst your blood vessel...
You should know by now, the way I speak is quite direct, sometimes filled with sarcasm, sometimes filled with cheekiness, may exaggerated a little or just a little tactless...
So cannot arh??
I have always been on the other side of the whole situation throughout...
Has been on that side back then, still on that side now...
I am just remaining on the same side as I have been!!!
You can't control which side I choose and what I think!!!
I have told you before that this is what I have always think all the while...
As I've said before, you can't control what I think...
You never make a sound about it then, why now all of a sudden??!!
And the so-called taste of my own medicine is not really much of a medicine, because the scenerio arising from it is does not apply...
Wow, somebody is too riled up to tell the difference between dramatics and real demands...
*****I define my own boundaries...And whether I stay in those boundaries I define as mine, is up to me to decide and certainly not up to you to demand that I do...I think before I act, and I act what I think...If your notion of acting like a grown-up is keeping quiet over things which you disagree with...*Applause*You are are a successful product of the education system...My beliefs are challenged and defeated with a certain information...Hence I seek clarification of that piece of information, not the "you don't like to lose" thing you assumed...Come to think of it, my beliefs were challenged, but whether it is truely defeated, still needs plenty of time to tell...Afterall, you don't really know that ________________...Nobody asked you to share my beliefs...You assumed too much by the way...I didn't write any reasons for my beliefs at that time because I think it does no purpose...I do not seek to convince anyone...Hence, I did not give any "pathetic" reasons (as you called it), simply because I didn't write any at all...Can you please read properly for once...But I do have reasons which supports my beliefs, hence I write what I think...And they are not pathetic...From the agitated tone and usage of words, perhaps you call them that because you just simply refused to admit in the possibility of it...That's why you get so angry over it... Hah...Stop telling me to grow up... Only my mom has the authority to do that...Just because I think and act in ways which are disagreeable to you, doesn't mean I need to grow up...You are the one that needs growing up, throwing tantrums around, accusing people, making stupid assumptions... Hah...*****Who started this mess??What mess??It is only a mess if you treat it like one...I criticise a person right in the face just because I don't like the person...So?? Anything wrong with that??I Do Not Like to act all nice and happy and pretend that I like that person when in actual fact I have some problems with certain parts of that person character and actions...And what?!?! Give that person the wrong impression that I'm fine with him/her?!?!It reeks of Hypocrisy...Which is what I'm facing right now...Someone who says he/she is fine, no problem with anything, acts all smiley and happy...But hah, afterwards decided that he/she actually have a problem with it after all, and proceed to drag up all the past experience that he/she told me have no problems with and complaining it to everyone...Fine, next time I shall not apologise...Not worth my time...This is me and you know it...If you don't like it, why bother acting like you got no problem??"blah blah blah it can be worse but I chose not to blah blah blah"Now I am starting to get sick of hearing that from you, countless times...It just seems to make you looked as if you were trying to act saintly...Nobody is perfect...I'm not, that person is not, he is not, she is not, you are not...All of us have very different personalities...That is why not everybody can get along nor like each other...*****After analysing, I think the most probable reason that you are so pissed off, could be that you don't like it when I openly expressed that I disagree with the whole situation...That I questioned the whole thing...(Otherwise, you are just plain insecure, thus you seek to blame others...)Bah!!!I do not need your permission to express my views...Nobody asked me for my opinion??Nobody likes to listen to my opinion??Easy... Don't listen or read lor...But nobody can forced me not to have my own opinion...This is none of my business??Usually I wouldn't bother much if I agree with the situation, or find that my friend will not be at some disadvantage...But suuuuuuuuuure, after I stopped calling you my friend, I'll just as soon be totally oblivious to your existence then...And despite what you think, those who doesn't know about the whole situation, will not know...So those who managed to guess, are those people who more or less knew about the entire thing already...So they will know, whether or not if they read my blog...I give about 30 seconds to think about what you have said, and decided that what you say are all crap...I learn from my experience, my observations, or that from my friends etc...And I changed according to that, and not just solely be what others demands me to be...And thank you for showing me how you truely think, after so long of me thinking otherwise...Should have known lar...Extreme 重 ______ people always like that one...
Hard to trust them, they'll most probably tell it all to their _______...
For that...