Thursday, November 30, 2006

Which Tarot Card are You??

You are The Lovers

Motive, power, and action, arising from Inspiration and Impulse.

The Lovers represents intuition and inspiration. Very often a choice needs to be made.

Originally, this card was called just LOVE. And that's actually more apt than "Lovers." Love follows in this sequence of growth and maturity. And, coming after the Emperor, who is about control, it is a radical change in perspective. LOVE is a force that makes you choose and decide for reasons you often can't understand; it makes you surrender control to a higher power. And that is what this card is all about. Finding something or someone who is so much a part of yourself, so perfectly attuned to you and you to them, that you cannot, dare not resist. This card indicates that the you have or will come across a person, career, challenge or thing that you will fall in love with. You will know instinctively that you must have this, even if it means diverging from your chosen path. No matter the difficulties, without it you will never be complete.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Sensors and Actuators Exam

The exam was not very difficult...

In fact, it was do-able...

It was so DAMN DO-ABLE, that I'm screwed, because I cannot finish it on time...


Those questions aren't hard... But the reason why I cannot do was becos:
1) I lack practice, so write very slow...
2) I lack practice, so alot of things I thought I understood but found out during the exam that I actually don't...
3) I copy the wrong information into the helpsheet...

Ya I copy the wrong information...
How retard a reason can you get??

It is so FREAKING dumb, I feel like banging my head on the wall behind me...
One whole question messed up, just like that...
I hope there's working marks...


Nooo wait... I should look on the bright side of this whole thing!!!

It is a SIGN!!!

A sign telling me that I should be glad I didn't go to EE (this exam was more of an EE module), becos of my cock-eye-ness...

Oh just let me wallow in sorrow...

Think I may dreamed about this tonight...
Cos everytime after an exam, I will dream about it and wake up remembering all the mistake that I've made...

Cursed man...


Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Feeling so... Weird...

My brother is now at changi airport...
He's gonna fly to china for his school trip...

I want to go too!!!
Why JJ never had this trip while I was there 3 years ago?!?!


Hope he has a safe trip!!!
He better be back in one whole piece!!!
Cos I've asked him to bring snow back to me...
Hahahahahaaa... -_-;

Oh man... I'm so nervous that I couldn't sleep...
Luckily it's sensors tomorrow and not Thermo...
If it is Thermo, I'll most probably lie in bed all night thinking about enthalpy, entropy, heat transfer, steam cycle, saturation table and what-shit...

For stressed people like me...

Hahahaa maybe we can try that to destress...

And this:

Hahahahahaaa... Yeah... I'm stressed all right...

Okie... Time to sleep...

Battle tomorrow starts at 5pm sharp!!!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Tomorrow is the Start of The Battle!!!

I have Sensors exams tomorrow!!!

5pm exam!!!

Evening time!!!

I hope my stomach doesn't growl during it...

Will I complete me revisions and helpsheet on time??
Since we are only allowed one A4 size paper in, I have tried my darnest best to squeeze every single thing in...

Bought a Uni-ball Signo DX 0.28...
Write until super shiok, cos the words are so fine and small!!!


I realised that although it is very smooth to write, and has a very nice colour...
It is freaking Not Durable...

Cos I've just broke it when I accidently dropped it on the floor...

WTF!!! Cannot even let me finish writing my helpsheet before you break arhh!!!

I'm so sorry, my trusty Pilot G-2 0.5...
I shall never forsake you for other pens anymore!!!
I will be faithful to you!!!
Becos you never break on me, even if I let you down (by dropping you on the floor) many times...

Arggg... Time to go to school to mug again...

Sunday, November 26, 2006


I cannot believe it...

I Refuse to believe it!!!

There is No Way that could happened!!!

I will not let it Happened!!!

Just seeing that everyday...
Is making me sick...

But I am a very competitive person...
I hate losing... Especially to... To... That...

That!!! Hey, I believe I am of higher standards lor...

Giving is not part of my nature...

I will Conquer YOU!!!

If you have no idea what I'm talking about...

Clue: This Saturday...

Saturday, November 25, 2006


Got this link from YL's site...

Wah piang... I have to say, it is 80% true!!!


Chatty Gemini is your star sign, which tells us that the Sun awakened the dual sign of the Twins in the Zodiac on your birthday.
The Sun in astrology stands for our inner nature.
The third sign of the zodiac, Gemini, a masculine sign, is ruled by the quick and lively planet Mercury, the messenger of the gods.
A mutable (fluid and changeable) sign, Gemini governs communications, intellectual matters, and gossip!
It is an air sign, which means Gemini people are ingenious, quick-witted communicators, although you are often restless, easily bored and can become frustrated by things moving too slowly. (Very very very true)

The Sun, ruler of our inner nature, is bright in Gemini.
It favours writing, other forms of communication, and travel (although beware of running around in circles just for the sake of it, or because others have imposed on your good nature).
Geminians are great talkers and are usually very much in demand socially, because you are so entertaining. You'd make a great talk-show host. Gemini is the life of the party.

A Dual Sign

Being a dual sign has (of course) both an up and a down-side.
You are vitally interested in what's new and fashionable, though you have a healthy skepticism which allows you to see both sides of the image.
You are a party animal, but like to sit back and analyse, or send up the whole procedure.

You multiply the effects of other people's energy, but can become deflated if you are out of the limelight for any length of time.
Your sharp wit and excellent powers of observation make you a good raconteur, although you have a tendency to exaggerate which can cause trouble with your relationships. (Errr... Hahahahaa... =-P)

Ironic Wit

You really have little faith in yourself, which you mask with ironic wit or sarcasm, but in truth you can use your flexible mind to better yourself in a surprising number of ways.
You spend more time talking than eating, so you are able to stay fairly slim. (Hahahahahahaaa!!! I find this very funny!!!)
Your flexible bod enjoys agile sports: gymnastics, bicycling, swimming, and so on.
Favorites are tennis, racquetball and similar games involving a partner.
Gemini talents include design, interior decoration, arts and crafts, magic and illusion, and music.

As the day-throne of Mercury, your strengths are in communication, both the spoken and the written word, media, gossip and trivia of every conceivable variety.
A mutable (changeable) sign, you are chameleon-like in your ability to blend in with your environment, yet you stand out like a beacon when you become the life of the party, with your witty remarks and seemingly limitless knowledge about all and sundry.

Multi-faceted Personality

You love zooming around, running right left and centre.
As a source of information you are unparalleled and you love to keep in touch with your friends, neighbours and indeed anyone who is on your wavelength.
The mobile phone, if not invented by a Gemini, was definitely invented for you – and is certainly your most treasured accessory!

Gemini rules the hands and arms, lungs, thymus gland and upper ribs; people with Gemini active in their charts are subject to injury or infection in these areas and should resist the temptation to smoke.
Geminians are also subject to mental distraction and hovering between alternatives, or attempting to pursue mutually conflicting goals. (This explains everything, on why I keep getting lousy grades)

Gemini colours are yellow and light blue, and mixed colours.
Your birthstone is the agate, attractively streaked with colours like the multi-faceted Geminian personality.
Gemini flowers include the lilac, azalea, and lily-of-the-valley.

Okie, that's all for now... I know most of you won't read these stuff, hahaha, but who cares?!

Time to mug again!!!


Friday, November 24, 2006

Hah... Chemistry??


I don't think there's Chemistry lar...

When you all told me that, I was like "Huh??"
But I got all excited too, partly becos I abit in disbelief... And partly it was all so sudden...
(Since my life is so boring, I got interested in anything else that has got nothing to do with me...)
(Wth, I realised I just sounded like a Geek!!! Aaarrgghh!!!)

But come to think of it...
I don't think this part of science actually exist...
We were just overly excited lar...

Cos when I look at the expression and at the eyes...

Ehhh... Don't think so leh...

(Anyway, I only just heard it... Proof??)

But we all can't tell, can we??


To all KayPO Friends...

No, this has got nothing to do with you or anyone you know...
So people like YL, you can stop any interfering liao...

You are not as free as you think~

On an irrelevant note...

I got
this from Kang's blog...
Quite cute lar... Hahahahaa!!!

Okie, Kang, I have said I got this from your blog!!!
I got quote you as the reference...
So no plagiarism here...


Thursday, November 23, 2006

I am too tired to think...

Let alone squeezing out all those precious brain juice urgently needed for exams...

Hence I shall just post a few pictures for laughs...

Hahahaaa... I hope you like these!!!


Dear Registered ME2121 Students:

Please note that in this semester's ME2121 exam paper, there will be four questions and you are to answer all four of them. Each question will carry the same marks. Tables of Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Fluids (5th Edition) by G.F.C. Rogers and Y.R. Mayhew and ASHRAE Psychrometric Chart No. 1 will be provided if required. You might like to get familiar with the format of the tables of Rogers and Mayhew, which are a little different from those of Cengel & Boles, particularly for superheated steam and refrigerant properties.

"The lecture slides merely highlight main concepts, principles and applications discussed in the present module. For more complete learning, please study the appropriate sections in the reference text."

This means that the lecture slides are to be used as a guide to what is covered in the module (and are not meant to be comprehensive) and the text book is to be used to find the relevant topics for more complete study. The sections of the text indicated in the slides and course website are also to be used as a guide e.g. the cascade refrigeration cycle has been discussed in class and is therefore an examinable topic but it is discussed in Section 11.7, C&B, 5th ed (which has not been indicated in the website). The appropriate part of Section 11.7 should be referred to for more complete study. I did not indicate this section as there is a lot more material in this section that I did not cover.

Wishing you the best in your exams,

Dr Christopher Yap
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering


This is a sign...
A sign telling me not to take anymore thermo related modules...

I very much want to tear up all my thermo lecture notes...

Monday, November 20, 2006

My Ordeal at 24 hour Mugging (cum JL Bdae Celebration!!!)

This whole planning of staying over night, started with curiosity...

"Wah, central library 6th floor opening 24 hour leh!!! Next week!!!"

"Wah!!! Eh, want to try stay over to mug anot???"

"Okie!!! On lar!!!"

And thus, that is how it begins...

Some more, JL's birthday is coming up... So both me and TL came up with this idea of celebrating his brithday-cum-mugging session on 17th of Nov... (Which was his birthday by the way)

Wow, were we excited!!!

But trying to convinced JL to stay over night...

Me: Eh, JL!!! Next friday want to stay over night and mug anot!!!

JL: Hah?? Stay over night??!!

TL: Ya lar, exam coming liao must, must chiong... Try lar... For fun!!!

Me: And you Mugger Head mah, so must come!!!

JL: But... But...

JL: Next friday is my birthday leh...

Me: Errrm... (Trying to ignore his previous sentence)

TL: Your birthday?? Still must mug lar!!!

JL: -___-... where got people mug on their birthday one...

Ahahahahaaa!!! The expression on his face was priceless...
The rest of the MuggerHood was rather easy to persuade...
(With the exception of YB, who always says "See first lor")
All of the girls were super excited!!!
(or maybe it's just me lar)

Seb and WeeH

Me: Eh, next friday we plan to celebrate JL's birthday cum mugging over night... Blah blah blah...

Seb and WeeH: Ok ok!!!


Me: Eh, YB you got stay over anot??! Must stay over lar... The whole MuggerHood satying leh!!!

YB: Hmmmm...

YB: See first lor...

Me: What see first!!! CAnnot see first lar!!! Say yes...

YB: See first...

Me: -___-;


Me: Alright... So next friday stayover lor!!!

Kang: Ehhh... I haven't agreed yet leh...

Me: You don't have to agree... You Have to come...

Kang: Wadddd??!!!! Where got like that one!!!

Me: Because I say so... Muwhahahahahahahahaaaa...

Kang: *thinking* why is my life so terrible~~~

Heh heh heh...

There were quite alot of planning that needed to be done...
Like how do we plan to surprise him, buy what present, how to find a cake at night, where do we put our stuff and how to prevent people from throwing us out etc...

All I have to say is:

JL, you are so lucky to have TL...
Because she's the one who went to shop and bought your presents wor!!!
Shop for your present leh!!! At this time of the year!!! People mugging she still find time to buy your present!!!

I know you are feeling touched now JL, go ahead and cry bah... Wahahahahahaaa...

And by the way, besides TL, I am the other organiser too... Hahahahahahaha...

"Nilnuj kor kor I want handphone please..."

Heh heh heh...

Okie, maybe I should start the story liao... Talk too much about the introduction...

17th November 2006

I woke up bright and "early" at about 10++++am (fine, it was nearly 11am lar) and proceed to do a bit of my mugging at home first...
But alas... Time speeded by too quickly and suddenly I found myself basking in the 2pm sunlight and realised I haven't freaking prepare anything for the stay over!!!

Hence I rushed through every thing and by 2.45pm, I was ready to hit the school...
Only to remember that during off peak hours, waiting for the bus can be very... Blood vomitting inducing...
The total bus journey was about 15 mins... The waiting time was, however, 30 minutes in all... Wth...

When I finally reached school, I found TL, YT and WeeH at the study benches at E4, near the Dily's creation...

Wow, cannot believed that the library was so packed that we have to come here instead...

Soon, more and more muggerhooders came... But some girls went home to bath before coming back again...

Ya, I know, I very dirty lar okie, I didn't go home and bath...

I hope none of you who slept were actually been knock out by me...

Me, Kang and YT went ot the Arts canteen to have our dinner...
Since it will be our last time eating here (as the Arts canteen will have to be pulled down and rebuilt), we took some photos here...

(Note to Kang: I want the Pictures!!! Hahahahaa...)

Wow, I will really miss Arts Canteen...
(Although I will most definitely Not miss the economic rice stall, becos the auntie like to over-charged me and give me so little food... She gave more to guys instead... #%#$&%&#%&)

We moved to E4-03-02 when it became too dark to study outside...

When it was nearly 11pm... Me, TL, SEb and WeeH quickly made some excuse about going to bath or brush teeth (yet not taking any bathing things at all) and exit the tutorial room...

We walked quickly to Fong Seng 24 hour prata shop to get our dear JL his 'cake'...

Prata Cake to be more exact...
Don't ask us how we came up with this idea, engineers are weird but practical people...

*I want to digress a bit*

NUS has too many freaking slopes...
The Prata group have to climb over countless slopes, hills, mountains just to get our prata back safety... Before 12am...

Cos the tutorial rooms closes at 12am...

I felt like I have just conquer Bukit Timah hill by the time I came back...

(Maybe it's time to excercise... Hmmmm...)

*back to topic*

Just before we entered the tutorial room, we have to "prepare" the prata to make it look like a cake... And then I quickly call Kang to get him to count to 20 before switching off the lights...

Ta Dah!!!
That looks like a ghost at the corner of the room...

The Prata Cake!!!

Mugger Head and his "Cake"...
See, he's pleased with his Prata Cake...
"And now, I shall give a speech on how to mug and score Cap 4.8 for your exams..."
End of speech... "Want my autograph??"
Say Cheese!!!

Goofing around...
"Seb, you still owe me money!!!"
"No lar... Where got..."
"Who says don't have!!! I SMACK YOU arh!!!""Okie!!! Okie!!! I will pay you back!!!"
"Wah piang, his skin damn thick... Now my hand pain..."
"Bloody GonHwee Smack me so hard..."

I is Happie Turtle!!!
This is my Prata Cake!!!
I is so Cute!!!
I is Eat now!!!

The present...
....."You all got me a PINK Bag?!?!!?""Hmmm... Kinda look good on me..."Turtle comes along...Hahahahahahaaa...So CUTE!!! =-p...
"Huh, you mean this is Not my Real Present arh??""Aiyo... I was starting to like it already... Pink looks nice on me... Goodbye my dear bag..."
Present-giving Ceremony...Nah, this is your Real Present lar!!!
We got you another Black Bag since you like Black so much!!!

The whole MuggerHood!!!
First Row from Left:
YL, YT, TL, JL, Kang...
Second Row from Left:
YB, Me, Seb, WeeH...

Initally wanted to duck so that only TL and JL will be left standing...
But our reactions are way too slow... Hahahahhaaa...
Too bad, cannot use same trick twice...


Attempts by YB to create "Artistic" looking photos...
The Green Tea Bottle...
The Happie Birthday Tag...
The Birthday Candles...
The Birthday "Cake"...
Nice Feet... Whose anyway?? But no leg hair, sianz...

Eating Time!!!

Gasped!!! Why I look so shocked...
GonHwee your mouth got hole ar?? Why eat Prata also come out??

But pretty soon, our celebration was short-lived, because along came a security guard who came to lock up the tutorial room... Sigh...

Since we have no where to go, we decided to try the central library level 6 instead...
The Engin Bridge at Night...
I lost my Earring here!!!
The whole group has to help me find it...

WeeH: Eh, WS, don't say I never give you present...

*Opens palm*

My Earring!!! He found it!!!
Thank you WeeH!!!
Heh I got another Hero liao!!!

When we arrived at CEntral Library...
Culture Shock!!!

It was quite full!!! Wah, I didn't know how just how hard core those muggers were until I saw them todae...

We found a place in there, but within 20 seconds, the girls couldn't take it anymore...
The Aura is simply too strong!!!
We felt suffocated by it!!!

So in the end, we left and continue searching for a place to spend the rest of the night...

We came upon LT3 and LT4, both weren't locked and the air inside was relatively cooler...
Yeah!!! We found the perfect spot!!!
LT3 was choosen and all of us get down straight to work because none of us really had much work done before that...

Wah look at us go...
Hard at work...
Look at him concentrate!!!
*sniffs* I think... I need a bath...
Way past midnight...
I looked chirpy, for now... (Think JL sleeping at the back of the LT liao...)
But YB looks damn pissed..."How do I work this thing!!!"
"Oh, the controllers are here..."

At about 4+am, I cannot take it anymore...
Me and Arts module cannot click lar...
So in the end, I looked through the past exam papers for my SS and pick out two topics which I will focus on instead...
Risky, I know... But desperate times calls for desperate measures...
I have decided to crap during exam...
Hey, if I can pull it off for my term paper, I can do it again!!!

JL was the first to conked out, followed by Seb, Kang then me...
After me was YB, WeeH and YL I think...
Only TL and YT survived...

The floor of LT3 was very comfortable...
And I really mean it!!! After O Week where we have to sleep on the stupid hard bench and cold floor, this is heaven...

We slept on peacefully...

Until the SAME security guard that got us out of the tutorial room, came in and ordered us out again!!! At 5.45am!!!


So we went out to the cold hard benches outside...
I immediately lied down and continued my sleep but the idiot security actually called out to us and say:

"You cannot sleep outside, study can , but sleep cannot. Got security camera."

I contemplated whether I should show him my middle finger, but decided it wasn't worth my effort and fell asleep soon...

But I think I wasn't really in a deep sleep, maybe in a semi-conscious state...
Because I keep hearing YT's 130 dB voice and the bench shaking (YL lar)...

When I opened my eyes, it was 7am liao...
And it was freezing~~~

We sat there for a very long time until the sun fully warmed us up...

After that came the huge debate:

Where should we have our breakfast??

1) YIH
2) Canteen
3) Clementi Hawker
4) Macdonald

1) This suggestion was met with violent objections from the guys... Because according to them, the $2 breakfast which consist of some pieces of toast kaya bread and two soft-boiled egg wasn't filling enough... ("The egg too watery!!!" claimed one of them)

2) Errr... Saturday canteen got open meh??

3) Too lazy to go there...

4) Too expensive lar...

We were standing there on the top of the stairs and arguing for a very long time...
Realised that we were stuck there and decided to walked while we discuss...
Stopped at the bottom of the stairs and realised we have no idea where to go...

But the whole dilemma was solved when JL suddenly say the magic words:

"Let's go Macdonalds, I treat you all"


Problem solved!!!

Wah Thanks JL!!!

At Macdonalds...

Tired after a hard night...

Sugar Art!!!
This is my work, I am trying to draw a peacock... But it ended up looking more like a rooster... -___-;
This is supposed to be a Kangaroo drawn by Kang...
But it looked so much like a Dinosaur in the end...
We couldn't decided whether this was going to be a Giraffe or a Camel...

YB hard at work...

Some finishing touches...Very Nice!!!

Welcome to Averii's Cooking Class!!!
First you need some flour...
Add in some syrup...
Mixed well...
And you will have Muah-Chee to eat in the end!!!

Hahahaha... That is the result you get if you put 5 bored engineers together with some food lying around... (The 6th engineer was sleeping...)

Attempting to capture the coffee dripping out of the straw at the precised moment...

We were in Mac's for a few hours at least, trying to get the perfect picture of the coffee dripping out of the straw...
Wah it's going too fast!!!

This is the picture of my lost and found Earring...

After breakfast... All of us, except for WeeH and Seb, went to Kbox!!!
(I dunno why, but I always succumbed to peer pressure... Oh no...)

The atmosphere wasn't as high as those experienced during Gangst8r Kbox outing...
But nonetheless it was still quite fun...
But our energies got depleted pretty fast...

Except for YT, who was happily screaming singing into the mike, the rest of us just sang along while lying comfortably on the couch...

YB I think is so far the Best singers among us... (I'm the lousiest lar okie...)
When he sings, me, YL and TL always jokingly "Melts"...


I had great fun!!!
Maybe we can do it agian, but this time, without the mugging part...

Zzzzzzzzzz... Must go and replenish my sleep liao...
