What Path Do You Take In Life?

You take the Road Less Traveled.
Who wants to go where everyone else has already gone anyway? You look for the hidden paths, ones most don't see and don't care to venture down. You go boldly and stand proud discontent with what's been put in front of you, determined to find a way perfect for you even no one else will take it with you. You live as you want and not for others, but be careful not become selfish. Others may need you and you should be there for them, especially the ones close to you. You tend to be the leader in most situations and people listen and trust you not lead them astray. Your firm in your opinions and beliefs and unwilling to change yourself to suit other people. By the same token, you can be stubborn to a fault, change isn't always a bad thing you know. Everyone changes and grows, you shouldn't try to stay exactly the same or you could be left behind. Then again, you may change frequently. Some people change to fit in, you my little non-conformist, may change to be set apart. It's great to be different, but it's also just as great to have things in common with people, even if those people are in that "crowd" you seem to have a vendetta against. Don't try to be different, just be who you are, whoever that is and you'll be unique all on your own. So make some time for people, let yourself blend into the crowd every once in awhile, you may just learn something about them and yourself you never knew before.
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What Path Do You Take In Life?

You take the Beaten Path.
After all, that's what it's there for right? You are content with the options already laid out for you definitely of the "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." frame of mind. You tend to be a follower rather than a leader, but that's fine because all good leaders must first be good followers. You tend to follow the crowds living life the tried and true way, often letting others make the decisions. Just don't forget you have a mind too. Never be afraid to voice your ideas or opinions, no matter how ridiculous others may think they are. This beaten path is your comfort zone, you want and deserve company on your travels trough life as you are probably a very friendly and kind individual, always putting the needs of others before your own. That's an excellent and all too rare quality. Never lose it. But being surrounded isn't always the best. People tend to try and take charge and advantage of the fact and if you aren't careful, it'll be your life that's been taken over. Venture away from your well-traveled road and find your own away. Head down that road less-traveled and see what's there because though the path you're on may have been done before, that doesn't necessarily make it the right one for you. Step out of your comfort zone and take some risks you wouldn't normally take, make mistakes, and make some time for just you. Indulge and be a little selfish. You'll come out all the better for it.
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I'm a little bit of both...Maybe being a Gemini means having two personality as well...Labels: Me and My Thoughts