Read it or Weep.....
This blog is being written in a--
Cheeky, Playful, Direct, Sarcastic, Dramatic
Try not to have any violent reactions...
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Maths... So Tough~
Maths, especially those chapters on Double Integrals, Triple Integrals, Line Integrals, Surface Integrals, are too chim for my miserable brain to comprehend...
All need graphs to do!!!
Noooo I hate graphs!!!
Phew phew...
Why so few people do hah??
Oh yea, maybe becos so few people came to my blog...
Arena(known to self and others) energetic, happy, witty | Blind Spot(known only to others) bold, cheerful, clever, complex, confident, extroverted, helpful, intelligent, knowledgeable, organised, proud, responsive, searching, shy, spontaneous, tense, trustworthy, warm |
Façade(known only to self) caring, sentimental, silly | Unknown(known to nobody) able, accepting, adaptable, brave, calm, dependable, dignified, friendly, giving, idealistic, independent, ingenious, introverted, kind, logical, loving, mature, modest, nervous, observant, patient, powerful, quiet, reflective, relaxed, religious, self-assertive, self-conscious, sensible, sympathetic, wise |
Dominant Traits
71% of people agree that Averii la is energetic
57% of people think that Averii la is extroverted
71% of people agree that Averii la is witty
All Percentages
able (0%) accepting (0%) adaptable (0%) bold (14%) brave (0%) calm (0%) caring (0%) cheerful (14%) clever (28%) complex (42%) confident (14%) dependable (0%) dignified (0%) energetic (71%) extroverted (57%) friendly (0%) giving (0%) happy (14%) helpful (14%) idealistic (0%) independent (0%) ingenious (0%) intelligent (28%) introverted (0%) kind (0%) knowledgeable (14%) logical (0%) loving (0%) mature (0%) modest (0%) nervous (0%) observant (0%) organised (14%) patient (0%) powerful (0%) proud (14%) quiet (0%) reflective (0%) relaxed (0%) religious (0%) responsive (14%) searching (14%) self-assertive (0%) self-conscious (0%) sensible (0%) sentimental (0%) shy (14%) silly (0%) spontaneous (28%) sympathetic (0%) tense (14%) trustworthy (14%) warm (28%) wise (0%) witty (71%)
You can make your own Johari Window, or view Averii la's full data.
Hah... The results lor...
Now back to work...
Maths.... sucks now...
Labels: Me and My Thoughts
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
I'm Cock Eye...
I'm very very very cock-eye/myopic/short-sighted/far-sighted/blind/siao/blur/cross-eye...
Cos I misread a question for my online physic assignment...
And it took me about one day plus to realised the reason why I could not solve the bloody question!!!
Becos I damn cock-eye!!!
I stupidly see one part of the question as V1 = 2.68 x V2, when in actual fact, the real one is V1 = 2.68 + V2 !!!!!
What the!!! Wah liao!!! Waste so many freaking hours of my time!!!
And raise my blood pressure!!!
If Iv haven't mentioned anything about the V1 = 2.68 + V2 , I'll most probably be still cursing my head off...
AArrrggghhh... Must remind myself:
"When in doubt, take off your glasses , wipe it, and look again at a speed no faster then your granny's..."
Only then, will you stop and see the light...
Moving too fast simply makes you missed it...

Monday, March 27, 2006
Life is a Torture...
I keep inflicting abuse on my body...
If this goes on, I will become psycho...
Stupid world...
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Oh Dear...
Exams coming liao...
Exams really coming liao!!!
I can foresee many more sleepless nights and the burning of my already-very-low-on-fuel midnight oil...
Damn, when will I ever be smarter, than I wouldn't feel so tired and my brain (which... was evidently not big enough...) would not be over-worked...
Why do some people, play play play dota and warcraft many times and still can get into the Dean's list??
Duh, I'm struggling just to maintain my grades...
Hah, I can guess the reason is probably the same as why are some people more good-looking than others...
I have this theory...
Which is that Tha World Is Fair...
Some people have...
1) Looks
2) Brains
3) Wealth
4) Heath
5) Good Morality/err... Personality... Character??
It's maths time...
So lets assumed everyone has an equal amount of... of... Volume... -_-;

So we are all empty at first...
We can filled up our body with options 1) --> 5), as much as we want...
But bear in mind that there's a limit to the amount of stuff we can put in...

If you have 1), 2), 3) you would not have 4) and 5)...
If you only have a bit of volume for 2) and 3), you will have some space left for 1), 4), and 5)...
etc.. etc...
Go figure it out yourself, simple maths...
If you can't get it, than I will know which options you are obviously lacking in...
You can be realllll pretty and smart and wealthy, but you are so gonna get a lousy personality and maybe kena cancer or health problems...
Some people can say "Well, I know a friend who is the finalist for miss singapore, scores straight A's for the 'A' levels, who lives in a condo, enjoys playing sports and is the nicest person I've ever know..."
Well, hey, how would you know that her/his looks weren't the results of plastic surgery, or that he/she didn't cheated in exams, or she/he lied about living in a condo, or he/she considers majong as a sport, and that she/he wasn't a hypocrite??
Hah?? Huh?? You'll never know what...
So... Here's the BIG Question...

What are you gonna put inside yourself??
Well... Some of these qualities can be achieved, others can only be given at birth (looks, brains)...
So if you lacked those goodies given out at birth, you can always compensate by working hard to achieved in other areas, or working hard to improved on the areas which you lacked (taking great care of your skin, wearing make-up etc)...
Therefore, I am now working very hard on my studies...
Must achieved it!!!!!
Labels: My Creations
Thursday, March 23, 2006
While chatting with a friend on MSN...
That friend...
Suddenly announces that he may be going to France to study...
When he is in year 3 and 4...
And it hit me...
Am I going to lose another friend again??
Due to geographical distance??
Well, he said he May or may not go, depends on whether he kena choosen anot...
If he goes...
I will lose a chatting buddy...
A mentor...
An entertainer...
A good friend...
Who never turn down a plead for help, who always respond to you even when he is busy, who helped almost everybody, who loan me his books...
A very good friend...
Well, we can still keep in contact, but I wonder whether it will be long-lasting...
Because I have another friend, who flew to USA...
And never came back... (well, she migrated, who am I kidding)
We had promised each other that we will keep in contact via email...
We did at first...
But slowly...
The number of emails dimishes...
Well, it were never much to begin with...
She become more and more 'Americanised'...
And we grew distant...
Finally, the emails came to a stop...
We lose contact ever since...
I kinda missed her...
Cos she was the only person in my secondary school which shares the same love for drawing like me...
A bit of deviant, tomboy, rough, act tough, likes to fight...
Well, just like me...
And now...
Oh well...
Better treasure your friends while you can!!!

I'm going crazy!!!
Bloody programming getting sooooo tough that I'm lagging behind by at least two lectures!!!
I just don't understand!!!
Random Numbers!!!
Stupid lecturer dunno how to teach, wtf, go back to your homeland...
I prefer the first lecturer, cos at least he bothers to explains, or at least I can understand his language...
(It's pronouced as "fung-stion" in singapore, not "feng-sheng" from where you came from... And if you cannot speak properly, try speaking slower, it helps okay?!?)
Really feel like showing the tallest pointy-like thing perching on the edge of my palm right now...
But noooo, I'm civilised...
Aiyah!!!!! Who Cares!!!

Think I'm gonna get fat if this carries on...
Cos I eat when I'm stress...
I have to munch onto something...
Maybe someone can buy me a chew toy??
Friday, March 17, 2006
The Weather is Calm...
After the storm just now...
I'm okay liao, hope I didnt scare any of you...
Thanks alot chia ling for all your help, though you were busy with your own programs too...
Thanks mui for spending time trying to test my prog, although it wasn't really successful...

Anyway, after listening to Iv's advice, I've decide that it is "not worth having high blooD pressure becos of that" as quoted from him...
I have to let it go...
Sometimes I wonder why am I so tense, or so fed up over little things...
Just becos my program doesn't tally after working on it for two days isn't really worth it...
I have better things to do...
I think it is becos my confidence is easily shaken...
Very very unstable...
Just give it a little nudge or put something heavy on top, and it will crumble...
Into dust...

I must try to stablise my confidence...
If not, I will not be able to survive in society...
I must do it...

Serious... Very Serious...
I am Stressed!!!
And I am Serious!!!
I have to present my programming question tomorrow...
Cos it is my surname's turn...
Tan, very behind, means the questions I kena will be difficult...
And the very very very suay thing is...
The question I got is not from last semester!!!
Means no answer solution or any hints!!!
Damn damn damn!!!
And the suay of the suay thing is...
Both ah Mui and YB (who were both in my tutorial class) didn't do that tutorial!!!
Not even Mui leh, and she always does everything!!!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Monday, March 13, 2006
Finally, after 8 freaking years...
I bought a brand new computer!!!
No more second-hands from my dad/uncle/etc etc...
A Brand New One!!!
Oooohhh, can hardly believe it!!!
Well... Actually, not all of the computer parts is new lar...
The monitor, keyboard, mouse and the speaker still remains...
But the entire cpu is gone/replace/waahahahaha no more...
My com died on me on 5/3/06...
Causes of death??
Old age...
It slipped into a coma and never woke up...
Cannot be revived...
So I had no choice but to pull the plug on it...
Now than I knew how integrated computer is into my life...
The one week during which I am without a computer is quite a torture...
Cannot do programming notes, cannot study and do sociology notes, cannot do programming lab, cannot do programming tutorial, cannot do maths lab, cannot do physics online assignment, cannot check the workbin for tutorials or solutions, cannot check IVLE for annoucement or NUS email for newest information...
I'm stagnant!!!
But luckily, still got back-up com : my dad's...
However, to use it, I have to put up with his erractic timings of sleeping...
Cos my dad works at the wee hours where most of us were sleeping...
So I can only access his com in the morning (cos he sleeps in the afternoon), early night (when he woke up to have his dinner), and very late night (as he sleeps again at around 10 plus pm, and woke up again at 11.30pm to go to work)...
Hah, so I have to separate my time into three intervals...
On 11/3/06...
My little squirrel came to my rescue!!!
He took me to sim lim square (after nus open house) and we walk around, collecting those huge flyers so that we can compare the prices...
Squirrel also make a table, I think its about the computer parts and their prices etc... And he keep crossing out, scribbling, calculating, walking around sim lim sq (but I'm guarding the bags now) and coming back to repeat the whole cycle again...
Finally he came up with the best plan for me to get the computer parts at the most reasonable prices before we went shopping for these parts...
And that day, was the very first day...
I learnt how to use the Nets card...
Ya, I know I very outdated, hah, but not till now do I ever need to use so much cash at one go!!!
Wah, the feeling was damn scarey...
I took the very heavy black equipment for me to type in the PIN...
I scared I remember wrongly the PIN (cos I'm using my mom's, I forgot my own password liao, oops...)...
I type very slowly...
Then I stop and peer at those asterisks, counting it to check whther I have type in the correct number of digits...
I recount again...
Than squirrel come over, look at me and say "eh, press enter."
Hope those shopkeepers didn't hear it...
After about 3 hours...
The shopping is done!!!
We went back to his house for him to start putting in those parts...
I think he's having a headache by then...
Cos on the bus, I keep bombarding him with freaking weird and tough questions, and he is having a hard time trying to answer all my 300 questions...
Haha oops...
At his house, he slog it out on my com, doing all those things I find too complicated for my already-too-loaded-withprogramming/maths/physics-brain...
Hours passed...
All of a sudden, just as he was done formatting the com, and restarted it...
It could not be switched on!!!
Little squirrel tried all sorts of method to switch it on again...
He also does some testing on various parts of the com to see which of it was spoilt, and he came to the conclusion that there was something wrong with the motherboard...
Sigh, so no choice, he have to take it back to sim lim again for those peopl over there to check it out...
After he had sent me home, he went to install my hard drive in his com to try it out, and unfortunately, his computer went berserk...
So now he have to format his com as well...
Poor squirrel...
And the next day, when he went back to sim lim, he was sort of right...
The reason why the com couldn't switched on was because it had short-circuited!!!
Dunno what's the reason, but at least the problem is solved...
So little squirrel went to my house to piece my com up again, install almost everything, do lots of anti-virus/firewall/anti-spyware installations for me...
He really did everything!!!
Everything!!! He even copied my files from my old hard disk into the new com!!!
Wah... Suddenly I feel so taken care of...
So ta-dah...
My brand new com...
All thanks to my little squirrel...
Who spent about 10 hours on it...

Thank you very much...
Monday, March 06, 2006
My Very Late Chinese New Year Post...
I know Chinese New Year is like, over for what 8 months??
But I haven't even put up my post on how I celebrated my CNY!!!
I have actually finished typing out the post, and was waiting for my DEAR eldest cousin to faster upload the pictures before I can complete it...
But Noooo... She says she is busy!!! What!!!
Lazy lar YOU!!!
So anyway, still incomplete without the pictures, but nevermind, you all came here to read and not look at my wonderful being right??
But don't worry, still got pictures from my youngest uncle's digicam... So got colourful pictures for you people to enjoy...
Heehee... Bear in mind this was written on the first few days of CNY...
Maybe very outdated...
Aiyah, who cares...
On 31/1/06...
int main {void}
Chinese New Year is HERE!!!
I know many of you would have received greetings of HCNY a lot of times...
Well, here's another one... I think many of you will like it...
"Yeah people, have a very Merry Chinese Cute Little Doggie New Year, and may those of you who haven't got married get many many Ang Pows, and those who got married have many many children so that you can errm minimised your loss, and those who either married but no children or married but only got one kid, well let's just hope you strike 4-D this year... Wahahahahaha..."
I like CNY...
Cos this is one of the few times where the entire Tan family gather together to eat, talk cock, majong, gamble, talk some more, update themselves, aiyah just gather and embraced the warmth and closeness of the family...
(for my brother, it is Xbox time...)
This year, instead of having our usual gathering at my granny's house, we have it at my youngest uncle house, cos my granny sold her house le, and had moved from Tampines to Bt. Batok!!!
Means no more one hour MRT journey to her house anymore!!!
Unfortunately, the house wasn't ready yet, so my granny come to live with us for the time being, while my eldest cousin, aunts moved to live with my uncle...
One good thing about this, my uncle can drive my family there... (No more one hour MRT journey!!! Shiok shiok!!!)
Bad thing is that I kinda missed the old house, cos it is a very nice house, and I think my granny's side family dunno how to go to my uncle house, so fewer ang pow this year...
Heeheehee... No lar, it's becos the old house's colour theme centred on warm colour (brown, reddish brown, lotsa wood in the house)...
But my uncle's house is more modern, with cool colour theme (white, light blue, lotsa metal)...
So I feel... A lack of Warmth?? Hmm... I'm not very sure, but I sure prefer the old house and its furniture...
But the family is still the same, maybe much older... More wrinkles or more pimples...
Presenting my family...
My Granny!!!
Or Nai Nai as I called her...
(My lazy cousin haven't upload her pictures, so I drew her instead...)

She's very cute, the time when my cousin tried to take a photo of her, she made a funny face!!!
She is also somewhat different from a lot of granny stereotypes...
She is very hip and modern...
She likes shopping!!!
She encourages my mom to shop!!!
She is very easy-going!!! My eldest cousin sometimes like to pinch granny's check or bite her arm, my granny actually laughed, or pretend to get angry!!!
She is very funny!!!
Once, when we were all playing pokka cards...
First Aunt: Blah blah blah... What you get?? (or something like that)
Granny: HEE HEE HEE!!!
She actually laughed that evil laughter!!! Wahahahahahha!!!
Another time, still playing pokka cards...
First Aunt: Wahahahaha... (she was winning...)
Granny: (losing and bu shuang) Haiyo!!! Wo xi!!! Wo xi~~~ *fingers and hands making the sucking action* (meaning that she was trying to suck away first aunt's luck!!!)
WAhahahahahhaah... I like my granny!!! So CUTE!!!
My granny ranked first on the seniority level... Cos my grandpa die long long ago...
Anyway, here's the family tree...
(My first uncle and his wife is in Taiwan, so not present for gathering...)

I have very few cousins...
My Eldest Cousin, Louisa...
Or Lou Sia (downstairs) if you wanna call her that... Or lizard... Or Wen Zi (mosquito) cos her chinese name is XiWen...
After that came me, and my brother Alex, or Zhu Tou (pig head)...
Then my youngest cousin, Jia Jia...

Eh... I think you can guage our relationship la... See the one on your right, sitting so far away...
I think I have forgotten her voice... Or have I heard it before??
My uncles and aunts wants me/us to make small talk with her...
Errr... "Hello, my name is wanshi, you are my cousin hor??"
Bleah... Heheheh... Never mind, at least we have a very nice photo!!!
Happie Chinese New Year!!!
-end of post-
return 0;
The End...
Have a nice week ahead!!!
Labels: Me and My Thoughts
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Wednesdae got Sociology Test!!!
And it is todae!!!
I'm not 100% prepared yet!!!
I haven't go and read the past year exam papers!!!
I don't even know what a sample paper looks like!!!
It has been a very very long time since I last wrote an essay!!!
(excluding CTW-critical thinking and writing, or in some of my friends' words "Can't Think and Write")
Cos Critique Paper don't need real life examples, or theories, so no need to know how to apply theories!!!
Scarey Sia~~~