Busy Busy Life in School...
Some of you, at least one (for I have received a complaint), may have noticed that I have not been blogging as often as I used to...
In the past, the difference in dates is merely about 1 or two days, or at the most 3 to 4 days...
Occasionally, I even posted two posts in one day...
But recently, it has become 5 to 6 days difference instead...
Hey, not exactly my fault (stop accusing me of being lazy!!!), I have started school only for just 3 weeks and I'm swamped with homeworks/tutorials/lectures/online tutorials and assignments/my own homework etc...
It's tough being an engineering student, especially if you do not have the brains of Newton...
And I must admit, I'm not a genius, neither am I very smart...
How I landed in University was due to me being very very hardworking to compensate for what I am disadvantage at (or what I lack, which is my disabilitly to visualise objects which cannot be seen, like forces, vectors and all those statics crap)...
My seniors did said before:
"Life isn't a Bed of Roses for the Engineering students in the first year."
How True...
Some of my friends even commented that I went into the wrong faculty...
They believed that I would be better off in the Arts faculty...
But hey, just because I'm slightly artistic doesn't means that I'm dominated by my Right Brain...
I did took an online test before (reliabilitly undetermined), and it announced me as "Equally Dominated by Both Brains"...
So what?? Does this means I'm neither good at one of them, or that I have the priviledge of having the best of both worlds??
You decide...