Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Hah... I have been 'Enlightened'...

I know I should not do it lar...

But I have no idea why I still did it...

Yet I'm not sorry that I have done it...

No, I'm not speaking in riddles...

Remember the last post??

When I went to bed that night, I keep Thinking about it...
Even though beany tells me not to, but then...
Itchy brain lar...
Hard not to think...

In fact I think so much that when I woke up, I came to a Conclusion!!!

It is not the fact that I am upset because people don't like me...

But because I do not like the Act of Leaving Me Out!!!

This is one of the things which I HATE most...

People ignoring me
Neglecting me
Taking me for granted
Leaving me out of things
Disregarding my existence

(etc etc you get the idea)

Well, this is kinda a relief though...
Because I know that I'm upset not because of that person disliking me...
But because I do not like that person's action!!!

For a moment, I thought I have turned into a sensitive delicate lass for getting upset over someone who doesn't really matter much to me...

Okie lar YL, I shall turned down my "I-Don't-Care-Even-If-You-Are-The-King" attitude back to normal mode...

And thanks aimeimei and YL, for cheering me up!!!
And thanks to beany for listening to my woes...

(Hmmm... I'm listing credits, does this means that my ratings will get a boost?? Buwhahahahahaha... Sorry, insider joke... *wink* YL *wink* YT)


Monday, August 28, 2006

Am I really that insignificant??

Seems like nowadays no one seemed to be bothered with my opinons and my presence anymore...

Making decisions for me...

Doing things first without telling me when we were to suppose to do it as a group...

Didn't even notify me way after doing that thing...

Didn't even asked me if I'm interested in it at all...


I feel so sad...

Maybe I should listen to beany's advice...
"u dun so boliao lar
let this type of small small thing affect u so much for wat

dun need everyone in the world to like u one wat"
Oh... Okay...
From now on, I shall increase my
"I-Don't-Care-Even-If-You-Are-The-King" attitude from medium to a-bit-higher-than-medium...


Heard of this quote before...
Those who matters wouldn't mind, and those who mind doesn't matter
I shall remember that, always...


Sunday, August 27, 2006

Labs Should Be Outlawed

I just had my Lab experiment on Friday...
The C6 experiment for Me2113-2...


The Hell it is even not on the Map!!!

I spent 30 minutes looking for that place...
For the last semester, I have a lab in the same building too, but the people were kind enough to put up notices to point us in the correct directions...
So you will have one notice that goes "EG1108 WS2-05- ...." and an arrow pointing...

This Sem I tried, but did not see anything that resembles the said notice...
Wah, so what if I'm year two liao, doesn't mean I know this school like the back of my hand lor!!!

I came to the correct building but to the 5th floor...
"Never mind, just go down the flight of stairs!!!"
So I walked down the stairs to the second storey on to find a security door staring at me in the face...

I exit through another door and walk through what look like a Balcony??? and found a dead end...
Went back, look at the security door and gave up the thought of breaking into it...

I decided to employed my "survival skills" which I have kept hidden in me, which is to be unleashed when I am Lost...

The Best way to get Un-lost when you are lost, is to get to the ground floor and figure your way out...

Hey it works okay, cos when I arrived at the ground floor, I turned my head 48 degree and I saw the correct entrance some 50 miles away...
Perhaps it is my judgment skills... Or perhaps its my lucky day...
(or maybe its becos I saw people going through that place...)

Anyway, the hardest part was done, now here's the second hardest part...
Trying to get to the correct entrance...
The way NUS builds it Engin Fac is very strange...
We have one building which links its 7th floor to another building's 4th floor!!!
So when I saw the correct entrance on its ground floor, it is still one whole storey higher than the ground I am currently at...

No way I'm going to climb up that slope and railings, I'm not that desperate...
Besides, I can't climb, I'll probably fall and make it to the news...

"20-year old undergrad attempts sucide by jumping down from the ground floor... Her physics grades are to be revised..."

Never mind, got lift in another building besides me, shall take lift in this killer weather...
Ya, I was feeling rather triumph at the thought of finding the entrance that I forgot to press the button for the floor...
And went up to the 6th floor instead...

After that I abandoned the lift and took the stairs instead...
Took me a while to figure out which floor to alight, it is not the 2nd floor!!!
Along the way I pass a few guys...
I have a feeling they were looking for the same place as me...
Cos no one would come to this ulu place one...

Sure enough, at the correct entrance, after making yet another wrong turn, I saw the few guys again...
They just came out from another corner, which I assumed to be the wrong way, so I turned around and follow them instead...
After a few steps they meet another of their friend...

"Wah liao cannot find leh blah blah blah C6 blah blah blah"

So they are really looking for the same place as me!!!

They than saw my face, all hopeful looking, and asked "Eh, you also doing C6??"


Together, we begin our mission of searching for the WS-02-46...
As I have said before, NUS likes to build Engin Fac in a weird way...
We are already on the second floor, and yet we couldn't find the exact location of our Lab...
We came to a lift and instantly, we were enlightened...

The sign read "M Storey"

M Storey??

M STOREY????!!!!!!!!!

So change in system liao issit???
Initially it was 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
Now it is 1, M, 2, 3, 4, 5???


We finally found our lab area... All hot and sweaty...
We weren't the only one though, saw a few guys who were already in there all mopping their brows...

But alas, nearly all the tables were taken up by the rest of the lab people...
All guys, I'm the only girl... (-_-;)
Why did they all move so fast to chope the seats??
Left only one empty space...

And to my horror, I understood why it was empty...



Not just any nerd hor!!!
Not the cool nerd, not the friendly nerd, not the chatty nerd, and not even the cute nerd like my little squirrel...

It is a Concentrated Nerd...

By just looking at his looks and dressing, it clearly screams "Look at Me!!! I'm a Full-time Nerd!!! I score A and A+ all the time!!! The reason why you screw up you exam was because I just scored full-marks for it!!!"

And I predicted that he will be my lab partner for the day...

I was right...
Why?? Cos I was sitting next to him, that's why!!!
When our teacher in charge of this experiment told us to get into groups of three, he look at me and nodded...
That was how I became his lab partner...
Becos it was too rude to shake my head...
And my group only have two people cos there is only 11 people...

Damn, more workload...

The lab topic which I'm doing right now will only be covered in the later part of the lectures...
Meaning I will only learned about this topic ages later...
Then what is the purpose of this lab session when I don't even understand what is going on 3/4 of the time!!?!!!

In fact, I was so Dumb and Lost (throwing in the confusing accent of the teacher as well) that I was completely in a different World Dimension not long later...

One good thing came out of this whole shitty day...

My Lab Partner was Smart...

Told ya he's concentrated...

That's good, becos I keep on copying what's written on his paper as I could not keep up with the pace and asking stupid questions...

"Eh, what is this??"
"Oh, this stands for Diameter"
"Oh okay..." (why... why I so stupid...)

Okay, I change my view on him, he's the kind and patience nerd...
At least for now...
Until I managed to pissed him off with more stupid questions...

If he has a blog, he'll probably be writting:

"Dear Blog, today I meet a very dumb girl. She is my new lab partner. Haha, she very dumb, because she don't know that "D" stands for "Diameter"! Ha ha ha."

"But she whole head taller than me. Boo hoo hoo."

Okie, I have to stop being mean...

Thursday, August 24, 2006

My Complete Timetable...

My Timetable has finally been complete!!!
After days of nail-biting experience, I have managed to secure tutorials for all my modules!!!

Here is it...

Hah, so many late days... Basket...
But on the other hand, if I skip tuesday lecture (since there is webcast) and friday's one hour lecture, I can have one free day on tuesday, and one Lab day on Friday...

Today I hang out with YL, YanT, and Seb and JL at the library...
And I realised something...

That the reason why I got such freak-up grades is because-----
I have a lousy study environment i.e my bed...

The library seemed like a great place...
Hmmm... Maybe I can do my tutorials and studying there...
But look at my timetable...
If I wanted to study in the library, I would have to stay back after my lessons...
But so many late days, and I don't like to stay in school past my dinner time...
So how?? Skip the stupid Me2143 lecture?? I always chit chat during it...
On alternate thursdays maybe, since that Me2103 tutorial is not weekly...

So.... Who want to study with me???
Best if you are in Mech Engin and very smart, than I can ask you questions...

Something to ponder -----

At the library, we (the girls especially) were chatting about nonsense when suddenly, YanT tells us that some people in group 2 have come to know about both me and my friend's blog regarding the P-Hairy incident...
And that there is a CAC chalet (which no one bothers to inform me by the way) where a few of those group 2 people gather and pester YanT to ask me and their P-Hairy to come to that chalet...

Wah, you want to see a showdown or what??
Hah, too bad I got Engin O Week camp on those few days... La la la la la...

Anyway, don't just keep harping on P-Hairy P-Hairy, the guy who started it all...
There's someone else too...
The senseless guy who posted my friend's name on the blog for all to see...
Ya that one lar...

Hmmm... How in the world do they know about my blog??

Internet is one hell of a good tracking device...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Tutorials... and Computers...

I have to bid for 5 tutorials this semester instead of the usual one I'm used to...
They don't do such allocations anymore... Sigh...
It can be a good thing, since we can have more freedom in doing up on our timetable...
But it also means more stress, since I am always thinking about the best time to have my tutorials in order to have the legendary 4-day week which I have been hunting for days...

5 tutorials...
So if I put two slots for balloting each, and ranked them...
The highest ranking would be 5 x 2 = 10th position!!!
10th position rank leh, wah, that would be almost be equivalent to Useless...

Today I have gotten back the results from the tutorial balloting...
And I got 4 out of the 5 tutorials I wanted!!!


But the bad thing is that, I wasn't allocated to one of the tutorials...
This is because I have put 4 tutorials on both Monday and Thursday, both odd and even weeks for each...
So if I got the tutorial for module #1 on the even week on Monday, this means that for module #2's tutorial on the same day, it would have to be on the odd week...
But suay suay I did not get a successful ballot for it, and the even week which I have put as the second choice clash with module #1 and so CORS did not allocate it to me...

So now I better pray that someone would drop that tutorial on the day I wanted or that I can have it on another day instead...

By the way...
My Computer got Sound le!!!
YEAH!!!!! I Can Finally Listen To Music On My Computer!!!

My smart little squirrel has solve my problem!!!

Now I can watch webcast on my own computer, shiok!!!
I can groove to the music while blogging!!!
I can watch Happy Tree Friends with their morbid screamings to add on to the sound effects!!!
I can... I can... Oh I can listen to the stupid irritating sound that Msn always makes whenever someone in my contacts signed in...

But I am too happie to care!!!



Saturday, August 19, 2006


Hah hah, I know there's being a lack of entries lately...
But ever since school started, everything just seemed to whizzed by me...
Suddenly have to worry about lectures, biddings, tutorials, balloting, lunch buddies etc etc...

Some more I haven't exactly finish writing all six days of the Engin O week...

This time I decided to at least write three days worth of post of that O week before I published the first one...
So there wouldn't be a huge gap in dates from the first day to the last...
And I'm now at Day 1... Hahaha... ;-p

Bear with me for a while as I crap through the daily nonsense of my un-happening life...

I have finally cast my ballot for the tutorials...

So after days of deep and intense thinking, I have sort of finalise my timetable!!!
The rest is now up to the CORS system...
I hope they don't screw it up and give me two tutorials on the same day, in the same time slot, on the same weeks...

Presenting my Timetable!!!

Looks abit blur... But aiyah, click on it for a better view...
Once again, if my plan suceeds, I will have a 4 day week again!!!


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Thank Goodness...

I found a friend!!!

All thanks to Vennie!!!
She introduce her friend YenL to me cos like me, YenL also all alone with not much friends in ME...
Sigh, at least I have someone to talk to and accompany me during tutorials and lunch...

But don't worry ah mui, she's not replacing you...
You will still be my lovely mui mui... Heeheeheeheehee...
(Hope your chang chang doesn't see this... Hahahahahaaaa)

My prayers have been answered...

I still want eat lunch with you guys...

So I shall put up my timetable here!!!

Look at it!!! So cramp!!!
And I haven't even add in my tutorials for the 5 other modules!!!

Guess I can't have free days off liao...

Anyway this timetable is only accurate for the first week or maybe the second...
Until its time to ballot for tutorials, it will be this way...

Come, eat lunch with me!!!

Or ask me out on an outing!!!
I dun wanna our friendships to end...

And mui mui!!! I miss you already!!!
I haven't take photo with you leh!!!


Anyway, ran into my Freshies JiaE and WeiX...
Boy, they were lost, hahaha reminds me of my freshies days...
My eyes were practically glued to the map...

I want make new frens!!!

First Day of School...

And I'm starting to feel bored of it already...

I am now currently typing this in E2 com lab, the second room...
Cos I have 4 hours to kill and there are absolutely nothing else for me to do!!!

Why am I so bored/sian/tulan/pissed/frustrated???

This is because I have very few friends in ME...
So far, the few I can think of are Beany, YiS, Nick, Gil, Iv...
And yet these people are either
1) Not close to me
2) Have their own groups of friends
3) Likes to pon lectures all the time

How to enjoy school without any friends?!?!

My good friends (esp those whom I've gotton closer to in CAC and Engin O Week Camps) are all in EE!!!
Mui!!! SEb!!! JL!!! WeeH etc etc etc!!!
So many of my Freshies also in EE, hah, need to find more demand for my supply of textbooks to sell... Hahaha...

Not to mention that my fellow relatives like to "pour cold water" at me about my choice...

"Why you so stupid go ME?? Sunset industry leh!!!"
"Aiyo you will get your hands dirty one!!!"
"Need to go down to construction site to build things one!!!"
"Not office work leh, must do a lot of hard work one!!!"
"EE is Better lar!!!"

Well excuse me it is my choice, and I hate to work in the stupid office anyway, thank you very much...
By the way Mechanical Engin does not equals to Civil Engin...

Todae was also the first time (or one of the few rare times) that I ate all alone in the canteen myself...
Usually I would rather skip my lunch than to face the idea of eating alone...
But my hungry stomach wins this time...

I have decided!!!
I will endure this no longer!!!
I shall pester/bug/stick like a leech to my friends regardless of whether they are in the same Engin as me or not...
I shall forced everyone to reveal their top secret timetable so that I can compare with mine to see who will be available for lunch/study/crap/hang out...
Muwhahahahahhaa.. No one shall escape from my claws...

I shall conquer whatever rubbish life throws to me and win!!!

Monday, August 14, 2006


I'm Back!!!

Engin O Week is Finally Over!!!

I Can Sleep At Normal Hours Liao!!!


No more back aches and sleepy eyes...
No more shitty food and dehydrated throats...
No more sweaty clothes and smelly body...


I'm gonna miss the action...

And my new found friends...

And I miss my voice too... *Cough* *Cough* La la la la laaa--- *croak* *croak*...
Wah liao I cannot hit the high notes anymore!!! Now I sound like a boy...

I love this Camp more than the last *ahem* one...

At least the people are wayyyy nicer and the freshies, although not enthu enough (esp the girls), are great...

Think its gonna take me a few days to get my energy level up and replenish the fuel in me...
Its a pity we do not have a digital camera with us, so not much pictures... ;(
But hopefully other groups have taken some photos of us and that I can get my hands on them...

Chalet anyone??

Monday, August 07, 2006

I Am Super Busy

I Am Super Duper Busy...

So Busy that I may not even have time for the number of people I have in my life...

Becos of my Engin O week camp, and I cannot plan in advance as it may have a lot of last minute changes one...

So stop blaming me if I'm too busy to make time for any one of you!!!

For the record, I will be busy all the way until the end of this week!!! (13 aug)

And even if I have one day break in btw, I will be too tired anyway...
Imagine many nights with very little sleep...
And the sleep I'm having is not very good at all since I will be most probably be on the cold hard floor...

Stop bugging me...

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I finally did it!!!


Pluck my Eyebrow!!!

Don't raise yours at me...

Initially, my eyebrow was a Real Mess!!!
Some of the hair were sticking up...
Making it look as if I got "Sa Qi" (angry aura... or something like tt)...
On one of the eyebrow some more...
Abit not balance...

Like this:

Very Ugly...
And Messy...
And Fierce...

But now!!! It's over!!!
Years of ridicule will finally be gone!!!
Cos my eyebrow now look like...


Although I still think it look abit unbalance...
*peer into mirror*
Hmmm... Somehow the eyebrow I drew looks nicer...

Arh, what the heck...

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


I'm chattering nonsensically...
Now in a Irrelevant Mood...

Topic #1
Hey, I finally gathered up my courage and sms R...
And tell him that I don't want be a group i.c...

Than pray for the entire night that everything will turned out smoothly...

Next morning, my hands trembled as I struggle to switch on my handphone...
*Brrr* My handphone vibrates, displaying a "new message" icon...

I opened it...


But somehow, I got this sneaky feeling that R had long ago decided that he doesn't want me to be one of his group i.c anymore...
Why do I have this feeling?? Blame it on my psychic powers...
Annnnd the fact that I have gathered up a few clues and hints here and there and from the sms conversation with others... (not telling who... )

*Switch topic*

Topic #2
During O week dry run, Me and Jen have been bitching about the infamous (to us anyway) "P" rhyme with "Hairy" person and the stupid club he helped started...
And we have christened him a new name, called "P-hairy" since saying the whole
"P" rhyme with "Hairy" thing was a mouthful...
According to Jen, the entire group 6 girls all very angry liao, with this "P-Hairy" person...
(Which got me wondering, all of us know liao meh?? I know me, Jen, YL, YT, and AM knew, but what about ZW and Jul??)

So whenever we felt bored, both me and Jen would come up with ways to punish or sabotage "P-Hairy"...
The first one is her suggestions, while the others were added by me...
(Since I got nothing better to do anyway)

Ways To Torture P-Hairy...

1) Get a garbage bag big enough to fit his increasing frame...
Wait in one dark corner for him to pass by...
Than, when target is in view, attack from the back and jumped and pulled the garbage bag over his head!!!
Pushed him to the floor and onto his stomach to muffled his screams...
Whacked Him Hard Hard!!!

2) Wait for him to buy a drink...
Than get one chio bu to walk pass him...
Quickly pour sleeping pills (grounded into powder) into his drink...
Wait for it to take effect...
Drag him away to some ulu corner...
Draw on his face...
Than place him in Engin Canteen, during lunch hour, with the sign saying "Please do not disturb Monkey"

3) Try to identify his bag...
Wait for him to leave his bag alone...
Than do either of the followings...
a) glue the zippers of his bag together...
b) pour honey in his pencil box...
c) plant a half burnt stack of papers in his bag, with a note saying that is his lectures notes...

4) Try to find out where does he lives...
Then send a love letter to him, a very lovey-dovey super mushy kind...
Write down how the writer admired him, admired his physical features, and expressed interest at hooking up with him...
But signed it off as a Guy's name...
Throw in a picture or two would do the trick as well...

5) Call his handphone in the middle of the night...
Moaned into the handphone and make all sorts of eerie sounds...
End it off with the sentence "I will be back~"...
If he is the kind that switches off his handphone when he sleeps...
Try sms-ing instead...
Eh wait, like that not scarey liao...

6) Burn some paper...
Pour the ashes into the jar...
Add in a few small chicken bones, but be sure to wash it clean until it was white...
Send it to his house, address to him...
Attached a note which says "I'm home"

Hahahahahaaa... I'm really bo liao to think up of all these things...

*Switch topic*

Topic #3

What Type of Killer Are You?

You are an assassin.
That means you are a proffessional and do your job without mixing any emotions in it. In your life you have probably been hurt many times and have gotten some mental scars. This results in you being distant from people. Though many think that you are evil, you are not. What you really are is a person, trying to forget your pain and past. You are the person who never seems to care and that is why being an assassin fits you good. Atleast, that's what people think. Even if you don't care that much for your victims, you still have the ability to care and to generally feel. It is not lost, just a little forgotten. In crowds you tend to not get to noticed, and dress in black or other discrete colours. You don't being in the spotlight and wish people would just leave you alone. But once you do get close to someone you have a hard time letting go and get real down if you loose him/her.

Main weapon: Sniper
Quote:"The walls we build around us to keep out the sadness also keep out the joy" -Jim Rohn
Facial expression: Narrowed eyes
Take this quiz!

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So cool... I'm an assassin... Yeah!!!

*Switch topic*

The CORS (Currently Only for Retards Session) season is back again!!!
This time, since I'm in Mech Engin, I have 5 core modules to take...
But all of it only adds up to 16 MCs!!!
So little!!!
So it means that I would have to at least take 6 modules to make up the minimum 20 MCs per sem...
But one of the modules I wanna take is GEK1509 / PC1321, Introduction to the Nanoworld...
Think it will be a relatively okay module...
No exams some more... But got two test lar...
Now was considering to take up 7 modules instead, cos many of Mech Engin modules are 3 MCs...

Sigh... Was it a blessing or a curse??
To have many 3 MCs modules (means easier to study than those with 4 MCs), yet have to take more to make up for it...

*Switch Topic*

Think I no more topic to say liao...
Freaking over-using my brain to ponder over which modules to take...

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