Last Day of 2006
Dearest 2006,
Farewell!!! My beloved little precious...
It is heart-wrenching to see you go...
I'm sure I won't be seeing you again...
All the more it adds up to my sorrow...
Because I knew that...
As my future unfolds...
Once you left me...
I will be 20 no more!!!
Averii, the young at heart (and brain)
365 days just flew by and I barely noticed it...
In my mind, I keep on thinking it is still june...
Oh well... -__-;
Here are some things that happened to me in 2006...
In 2006, I...
-Went from year 1 in NUS to year 2...
-Got one of my lowest semester Cap score ever in Sem 2...
-As well as my highest semester Cap score in Sem 3...
-Went into Mechanical Engin, which was rather different from what I have in mind initially when I first step into NUS engineering faculty... I wanted to go Environmental Engin, but changed my mind at the very last minute...
-Went to two camps as councillors... CAC and Engin O week...
-Meet new friends...
-Muggerhood was borned!!! (the name was christened by me, heehee...)
-Gangst8r is still together, although we weren't as tight as we were before, back in secondary school...
-Got more active in blogging... In fact, I blog more than I watch tv!!!
-I'm still addicted to reading manga... Now I got one more manga I'm going to collect liao, thanks to Kang who loaned me his comic book...
-I've stopped serious manga drawing for quite some time... (doodling in lectures do not count!!!)
-My squirrel ORD lor!!!
Happy New Year everyone!!!